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Heliobiology Research

David Silver
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Excellent article David! I haven't looked much at blue light's awakening affects and I see why I didn't find much on humans ability to find geomagnetic direction looking at red light which is more sleep inducing. This is exactly the mechanism i've been exploring with melanin and melatonin as a light responive molecule that forms a radical pair! I know in birds it was thought to be an Fe-Ni pair, i wonder if magnetite (iron oxide) serves as our radical pair. Melanin is a tyrosine derivative and is related to cytochromes (electron shuttle) hence why metabolic energy is increased in the mitochondria. Melatonin is a tryptophan based molecule that is responsible for producing melanin and our sleep/wake cycles as we know and also controls our calcium dependent gates in our blood and mitochondria as well.


Here are some articles I've saved regarding melanin as well, I'm so tired I can't write much tonight.

This one is how turtles can breathe underwater from the oxygen made from the melanin on their scales!

This one is particularly mind blowing... turtles are essentially moving plants, splitting water into oxygen!

I understand why they are apart of earth creation stories based off of this.



This one discusses the beneficial effects of infrared light


This one is about blue and red light inducing stem cell growth in fat tissue (photobiomodulation)


This article is kinda old by now but shows where magnetite accumulates in the brain.. I've heard we accumulate more as we age.


I'll share and find the rest tomorrow when I got time.

Good to know I can find magnetic direction better when i'm hungry!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 30/5/2022 at 23:09, Archmonoth said:

Las hipótesis se prueban, solo pregunto cómo se probaría o sabría. Ofreces muchas explicaciones, pero ninguna forma comprobable, ni siquiera hipotéticamente. Sin pruebas o algún método para saber si su "suposición" es correcta, sigue siendo solo una suposición, incluso si la suposición le parece razonable porque está "en línea" con los datos publicados. 


Para mí, estás sacando conclusiones sobre tus experiencias, y te pregunto cómo lo sabrías; ¿Cómo sabría que CIR está causando su tinnitus 10/10? 


Alguien ofreció una explicación de CIR , y usted dijo "sí, eso está causando mi tinnitus" y le pregunté por qué piensa eso. De su publicación anterior, entiendo cómo/por qué cree que CIR está relacionado con su tinnitus, y que no tiene otro método que no sea similar a otras condiciones. Está conjeturando una hipótesis, y tal vez la ciencia emergente ofrezca más corroboración a su hipótesis. 


Using the information of cosmic rays to predict influence epidemic

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A correlation between the incidence of influenza pandemics and increased cosmic ray activity is made. A correlation is also made between the occurrence of these pandemics and the appearance of bright novae, e.g., Nova Eta Car. Four indices based on increased cosmic ray activity and novae are proposed to predict future influenza pandemics and viral antigenic shifts.


In NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center 19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Vol. 5 p 525-528 (SEE N85-34991 23-93)
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16 hours ago, Asoc Rincón Artes said:

Using the information of cosmic rays to predict influence epidemic

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A correlation between the incidence of influenza pandemics and increased cosmic ray activity is made. A correlation is also made between the occurrence of these pandemics and the appearance of bright novae, e.g., Nova Eta Car. Four indices based on increased cosmic ray activity and novae are proposed to predict future influenza pandemics and viral antigenic shifts.


In NASA. Goddard Space Flight Center 19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf., Vol. 5 p 525-528 (SEE N85-34991 23-93)

I don't know what you are trying to communicate by posting this. I searched for the article your post is referring to. 


I found: Using the information of cosmic rays to predict influence epidemic - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


Correlation does not mean causation, which means the mechanism and relationship are not understood. Here is an excerpt from the article: (Page 2)


"Among three pandemics the severest one was 1957. And the GLE on Feb.23.1956 was the largest GLE among the recorded GLEs. It seems as if the scale and harmfulness of the influenza epidemic were related to the enhanced amplitude of the ground level cosmic rays. But this relationship might not be understood as a direct proportion relationship. "


They are looking at 3 pandemics (this was before COVID) and the article writer is finding/asserting a correlation. They are guessing, speculating, surmising, there was nothing tested, no mechanism described, nothing but guesswork. This was also published in 1985 as a conference paper.


Since your post was directed at me, and quoted me, I am criticizing the article. 


Pandemics are caused by local factors like hygiene, sanitation, the travel/movements of human beings. For the record, there is no relationship with cosmic rays and COVID either. 


If you were trying to communicate something else, or express another idea, I missed it. 


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We're in the very beginning of understanding how various solar weather affects human biology so it goes without saying the mechanism is not fully understood yet. It is in fact barely understood. Scientists will slowly and correctly describe these adverse health affects as the very-limited research continues. 

I have seen for a few years some articles about the correlation between pandemics and solar weather going back to the Spanish Flu, but refrained from posting it in this thread since is purely based on observation and correlation. But we can sometimes gain insight with repeated and consistent correlation, such as the observation that human blood viscosity has been shown to increase by up to 20% during a G1 or higher storm. That plus a dozen other measured effects indicate SOMETHING is happening. Thats enough to begin investigating the topic if you have an interest in it, gleaning what you can from limited data. I only have an interest in this obtuse topic because I sort of have to, not because its tremendously fun, rewarding and full of rich, detailed data. Yet.

Somewhere above in this thread there is a post of recent research discussing how and why high cosmic ray "precipitation' to ground level happens and is very bad for humans. I wont repeat. During KP 0, our electromagnetic "shield" is decreased and we are more inundated. Being that the Earths's magnetic field is diminishing by an estimated 5% per decade since 2000, it is reasonable to assume we are experiencing higher energetic health effects than earlier in our lives and more than previous generations. "Earth's Magnetic Field Is Weakening 10 Times Faster Now"

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5 hours ago, David Silver said:

We're in the very beginning of understanding how various solar weather affects human biology so it goes without saying the mechanism is not fully understood yet. It is in fact barely understood. Scientists will slowly and correctly describe these adverse health affects as the very-limited research continues. 

This is assumptive, there are countless guesses about health throughout history which have been absolutely incorrect. 

5 hours ago, David Silver said:

I have seen for a few years some articles about the correlation between pandemics and solar weather going back to the Spanish Flu, but refrained from posting it in this thread since is purely based on observation and correlation.

You mean there is no evidence, but you want to believe. 


Regardless, pandemics are directly influenced by local conditions. They vary from country to country, population density, culture, access to medical care etc. Trying to connect cosmic radiation to pandemics is borderline medical misinformation.


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Yes, the pandemic thing…too speculative.

Because I trust and believe in science as a search for truth (and meaning) in life, and I like to remain balanced and rational, I would also say 

Scientists may slowly and correctly DISCOUNT these adverse health affects as the very-limited Heliobiology research continues” and through that process we will learn what these symptoms that 10% of the population experiences are actually caused by…because, science. I would accept these findings gladly.

I “imagine” the number of people adversely affected by solar weather increases proportional to the Earth’s decreasing magnetic field.


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On 6/24/2022 at 2:51 PM, Archmonoth said:

Regardless, pandemics are directly influenced by local conditions. They vary from country to country, population density, culture, access to medical care etc. Trying to connect cosmic radiation to pandemics is borderline medical misinformation.

I love how simply questioning correlations and asking "what if" suddenly counts as "medical misinformation", which seems to be a pretty new thing. All of a sudden it's extremely important that everyone have the same beliefs about things most reasonable people would admit we don't know everything about, like medicine and astrophysics.  Labeling anything that contradicts 2 areas of science we admittedly have a LOT more to learn about as "Misinformation" is incredibly cocky on the side of the "Powers that be".

Just a very suspicious behavior from the "powers that be".  Why doesn't the CDC go on TV and tell people that penis pumps are dangerous?  Isn't that also medical misinformation that could hurt people?  Why don't we chastise vegetarians that won't feed their children meat for spreading "medical misinformation".  The very term "medical misinformation" assumes that doctors and the medical industry know without a shadow of the doubt the causes and best solutions for all problems.  I work with doctors on a fairly regular basis, and while the title sounds very impressive, the number of them that have had both Norton and McAfee antivirus on their computers both fighting each other to scan every file accessed.... My point is people give doctors, SOME of which are colossal idiots far too much credit.  In their abilities, their own confidence of their findings (of something that just started like 2 years ago), and the trust that the entire truth is being explained to the general public with 0 skepticism. 

Do I think that doctors are evil liars playing a joke on everyone?  No.  But I do think they'd do and say things that achieve 2 goals: 1. Maintain order among the population (including keeping deliveries of food and amazon garbage moving because people are unaware of the risks of going outside) and 2. Keep their jobs and continue justifying their VERY overinflated rates of pay for what relatively little value they provide (At least in the US)

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As a doctor, I can confirm @Compuw22c that when we talk about doctors (in general), we are talking about very "average" humans. I respect the doctors who are trying (many are, but good luck in your search). Keep an eye out for the ones who have their s**t together. We need those ones so desperately, to combat the ones who are as lazy (in terms of information) as their patients who listen listen to them. I know im being tough on doctors here, but it's a thing currently, as has actually been a thing for a long time. The good docs are leaving the field. For good reasons.

I really shouldn't rant, but as someone who has spent years training our future doctors. I can also say, in general (generalizing will bite you, so be careful), doctors can be very average scientists. Much of that is due to training, some of it due to attitude. Im not disparaging medical training, it's just one of those things. Like you mention docs with multiple competing AV software (im sure they are clueless), look how bad they can be with things they are not trained in. Even I am not classically trained in IT, but i love IT, even I know better than to try to run Norton or McAffee, but both at the same time, holy smokes. Doctors can be the same with science too, thats a well known fact in medicine and medical schools are scrambling to help med students by sending them through research lab rotations. I know because I was part of that scramble to help our future (doomed) docs. Imagine a world of doctors that MAYBE got a short rotation in a research lab when they were a med student. No promise on the quality of that rotation as well. :)

Don't forget that the hypothesis of solar energy affecting human health, and now the interesting hypothesis that solar characteristics play a part in pandemics is perfectly valid. Don't jump to discount it, even it seems loosely correlated. Correlation is not causation, but the hypothesis is perfectly valid and should be tested. State your null hypothesis then take a swing at it, that's how this works.

Edited by SpaceWhiskey
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Thank you @SpaceWhiskey for qualifying my "SOME of which are colossal idiots" statement for me and illustrating that some doctors are not idiots.  Many can be self aware, open minded, and encourage the constant quest for better understanding, and I appreciate it.

Another thing to consider, as I've worked events for "press training" for doctors, is that the doctors that like to go on TV or talk to reporters, are very different than "regular" practicing doctors.  Or maybe they also practice but, they're still very different, and maybe 5% of their population can and/or wants to do the whole "put me on TV or in the newspaper" thing.  They're closer to actors or teenagers who want attention than doctors.  So really, when you watch TV and you see a doctor on screen, you're listening to a doctor who really likes being seen and heard, not just an objective doctor who's run the best double-blind study in history.

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Here's my rant on recent events involving medical misinformation. My next post will have stuff on tinnitus, the sun, and pandemics and cosmic radiation...  because they are related, or influence each other at least and there is plenty to read about it.  All I see is that there will never be enough information to convince someone who doesn't want to read something if it serves them to. And after yesterday landmark decision, I truly see why we need to scrutinize the people and data that lead to the reasons that decision was made. .. or at least doubt that half of the populations ability to discern what is right or right-wing!

 I think this rant is important for all genders to think about, abortion is not just a womans issue if men are the ones responsible for making the terrible decision to revoke it.

It seems timely to be discussing what constitutes medical misinformation when the supreme court banned 50 years of legal abortion yesterday ... before AR-15's.


Abortion, infertility, lead, guns

We know guns have lead (Pb), which impacts decision making and behavior, and poisons every organ in the body. Lead accumulates more in men more than women (until pregnancy) making men more susceptible to its behavioral effects 20 years later. The same results were found correlating leaded gasoline and plumbing to lead blood levels in children, and crime rates 20 years later. Lead in gasoline and plumbing was banned since the 1970's and 80's. WHY IS THIS LOGIC NOT APPLIED TO GUNS?!

I believe most mass shooters have pretty severe lead poisoning symptoms that go unaddressed, and get diagnosed as "mentally ill", instead of recognizing widespread effects of the most common industrial pollutant. We prioritize the production and profits made from guns over the the health, safety, and fertility of the community where they are produced... and the repeated shooting incidents in the news seems to suggest we have enough data to show a correlation between the lead in the bullets and the lead in the shooters blood levels, and the money the government makes selling guns and ammunition, and the blood lead levels of our leaders making these bad decisions.

Revoking abortion rights in states with higher ammunition and gun production facilities (which have higher levels of lead pollution which lowers your fecundity and fertility), tells me that lead poisoning is truly an epidemic, affecting population growth so much that women can no longer have a choice to abort in that state. Nevermind we closed our borders during the pandemic and as a capitalistic society, we are completely reliant on outsourced labor that is paid unfair wages to support this paradigm.. we didn't realize our population growth, gdp, and productivity is based on continual immigration to support a dying population of parasites. We are less fertile, we are less productive, more polluted.. why force children to bring children into the world if they are not ready?

Clearly, if lead poisoning impacts mass shooters, imaging how it affects our political leaders decision making! Esp. if they are reliant (invest) on those industries despite the health dangers.

Birthing centers, pill free abortion herbs

I am all sorts of angry with the decision to revoke women's right to choose when they bleed and create a human life. I also think its medical misinformation to suggest that women even "need" a pill to have a safe abortion. Many birthing centers used to be the place where you could have a safe natural birth and find midwives with knowledge and herbs for abortions. The very creation of the abortion pill and sudden appearance of the male "gynecologists" who replaced the role of midwives and birthing centers and naturally accessible herbs for abortion. This paved the way for more expensive, unsafe surgery births (cesarian sections) which make the doctor more money, and takes the control of birthing and abortion out of the hands of women. Medi-cal does not even cover a birthing center in this county, I had a friend have to drive 100+ miles to find a birthing center that would take her low income insurance. ..... ! This means that in states where you cannot get an abortion, you might not even find a place to give birth either !! (that isn't a hospital which can cost thousands of dollars!) The cost restriction alone of giving birth makes it expensive option for someone who cannot get access to an abortion. And beyond that, child care is not covered, and so many other essential services women need to raise a baby into an adult.

Its easy to see how the Republican agenda is to make lots of foster children who are poor and will make great underpaid, under-educated service workers to fill the minimum wage jobs. Republicans are afraid they are running out of a poor population to exploit to support our colonial, capitalistic economy if the borders remain closed. Banning abortions in gun production states is their way of creating this poor internal army.

Here is some real medical information to dispel the misinformation that we even need a pill that is being taken away from poor marginalized communities. Even if you are a dude this is important to share with women because its half mens faults this information has been forgotten or repressed... everyone's involved.


YOU CAN SAFELY ABORT A PREGNANCY WITH JUST MINT (pennyroyal, peppermint, monardella) AND CITRUS (vit c is an implantation inhibitor) IF YOU CATCH IT BEFORE YOUR PERIOD IS DUE. There are many other emmenogogue herbs that are safe to use to end an early pregnancy. Mugwort, cannabis, black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong guai.

If you ever want to know what to eat or take for an abortion, just look up what NOT to eat/drink when pregnant. Code word for abortive.

Many of these herbs were used by alewives before hops to bitter and preserve beer and spirits back when women brewed the beer. Many of these herbs act as natural contraceptives (along with preservative qualities) which gave women the power to control conception even when imbibing alcoholic beverages socially in the community (who wants a drunk baby?) Angustura and other "bitters" added to mixed drinks during the prohibition to replace the bitters in the beer and wine they could no longer brew. Bitters had the double role of being an antiviral (gentian root, cachelalate) and contraceptive (orange bitters, mugwort, yarrow, queen anne's lace) showing how even during prohibitive times the practice of incorporating natural contraceptives into social drinks was an important way to take these medicines.. not in pill form.

So I agree that much of our medical misinformation is coming from the problems with prioritizing capital accumulation over the health and well being of a community... and thus probably cannot be truly trusted due to obvious conflicts of interest. I always wondered how a doctor or dentist would ever be incentivized to help you if they could make more money off you if you continued to have problems, need expensive procedures, and continual addiction to pain medication.


I also agree that our medical knowledge is completely hindered by what funds it and sets the policies if they have a conflict of interest to collect money at the cost of the patients health.. I have been getting quite the run around just trying to get a basic heavy metals test and advice from any local doctor or dentist even though I know I have lead pipes and grew up next to the largest mercury mine in the world... in the whole world man.. and they still said they only test people with an "occupational exposure"! Its hard to distinguish occupational exposure from environmental or from the very infrastructure you rent from unknowingly! I know there is lead in my pipes because the house was built in 1908, and yet with all this information, the landlord can claim they "don't know" what their pipes are made out of.. while they making money off of overcrowding and lead poisoning its residents into infertility and insanity. Good thing there's no gun factory nearby or we'd surely have a lot more shootings in this county!


Mad Doctors, Big Pharma

I'm feeling such outrage over "medical misinformation" these days, and I'm clearly aware that most doctors are just average peddlers, trying to peddle their wares, and have no time to read new literature to improve their practice without it being required.  The people who actually want to help people would stay clear away from the medical industry, politics, deep money. There was a big lawsuit settlement recently from Oxycoton, Purdue, and Johnson & Johnson for supplying too much fentanyl into our community to get people addicted, turn them homeless, and eventually kill them. They originally claimed they "didn't know" fentanyl was addictive.  I have submitted two Medical Board Complaints on behalf of 2 people in my life near me who were misprescribed medications that made them insane or almost killed them. My complaint reached deaf ears as doctors are protected and can claim, as the big pharma tried, that they didn't know the effects of their prescriptions and are not responsible... A doctor can straight up poison someone and there is no recourse... the injustice goes deeper than we can imagine.

There is a mass epidemic of lack of common sense, logic, and I still blame the lead in our service pipes, residual from our leaded gasoline, paint, and other industrial goods that have made lots of money and not a lot of sense. Lead impacts men more than women until pregnancy so I can't help but think its impacting the overall ability of our male political leaders to make coherent decisions based off of scientific data with a political agenda.

Sorry to tangent from the topic of human health and our sun but I thought this was extremely pertinent considering recent events, and implications with tinnitus, melanin, and covid. This is my long rant on how I agree I don't think we know enough to rule anything out if we have the poisoned half of the population make decisions for the whole.

So the next time you get mad at someone for doing or saying something stupid.. just realize they are probably lead poisoned to some extent, and that its not their fault. Our whole society has been sick since its been mined for use since ancient Egyptian civilizations. Even lead poisoned people do no know they are poisoned, where it comes from, nor know what to do about it. Its like an addict trying to submit a medical board complaint on their doctor who prescibes them meds! Designed to fail!

 This is like the mother matrix reloaded... once you can see what the polluted film clouding our perception truly is... you can see clearly what is wrong, and hopefully what to do. So far only the sun has provided any guidance on natural detoxification..

Thanks Clair Patterson for trying.


I have more on tinnitus, melanin, the sun, our immune system, pandemics and solar cycle for later.. they are related,  just takes time reading available information. thanks for putting up with this rant.. its a enraging time for women in the U.S.!!

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Here's a lovely song to illustrate some topics covered in my last post: environmental health, war, toxins and their effect on our health and future generations. Sorry for the long rant.


I've been meaning to respond to this thread for awhile but now David silver brought up a new good point.. with regards to different biological responses to solar max and min and daily changes:

1. Long term (~11yrs) changes in cosmic radiation and solar activity throughout the solar cycle,

    a. Solar max associated with folate degradation, shorter lifespans

    b. Solar min associated with higher cloud nuclei formation and less sun and vit d

2. Daily changes in solar activity and cosmic radiation

    a. high solar activity (cme, flare, coronal hole, filament eruption etc.,)

   and low cosmic radiation

    b. no solar activity and high cosmic radiation


Regarding Pandemics and Solar Cycle...

First off, I thought many people discovered "space weather" when the pandemic shutdowns happened as an explanation for the sudden larger change going on astrology-wise. It was notable how quickly horoscopes started paying more attention to the larger planets and the particular alignment and position (what constellation, zodiac or heliospheric longitude they are in). Jupiter, Saturn and others in Capricorn (near saggitarius, galactic core). At least I noticed those planets in my zodiac sign, visible all year, and got to see Saturns rings on a friends nice telescope for the first time which rocked my world! Many learned the only notable larger cycle going on besides the planets orbiting forever was the solar cycle. Hence that current conversation we got going around their concurrence (That being:

  1. The effect of larger (significant) planets aligning on one side of the sun nearest to the cosmic radiation source associated with less solar activity and solar minimum.

 2.  And effect of larger planets aligning on opposite sides of the sun farthest from the cosmic radiation source associated with the most solar activity and solar max

I'm looking at a timeline of notable pandemics that happened since we started recording sunspots in 1755-present and am seeing a pattern of pandemics hitting lower latitude (warmer) locations more during solar maximum, and higher latitude pandemics falling on solar minimums. I should probably graph what data is available although the ones in the Americas do not have great written records.

That makes sense to me for two reasons:

1. since I've heard that tropical infectious diseases are having an easier time traveling around the globe as the temperature warms up similar to human body temperature.

2. But a mid-latitude virus like the coronavirus would be more evolved to be in a colder, wetter environment and thus favor solar minimums due to their decrease in solar activity and lowered immunity on those living there.


I also found some research supporting that solar maximums are associated with shorter lifespans for the people born during those years.

"There is a statistically significant inverse relationship between exposure to solar energy at birth and average human lifespan. Solar energy by some mechanism alters the epigenome at birth, but the effect of higher solar energy becomes apparent after the age of natural selection. "

from 2018: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30015061/

and another from the same ppl in 2008: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0306987707004434

and another study on women in Norway: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4308994/

"On average, the lifespans of individuals born in a solar maximum period were 5.2 years shorter than those born in a solar minimum period. In addition, fertility and lifetime reproductive success (LRS) were reduced among low-status women born in years with high solar activity. The proximate explanation for the relationship between solar activity and infant mortality may be an effect of folate degradation during pregnancy caused by UVR."

"Published literature supports the hypothesis that UVR suppresses the maternal immune system by producing cytokines in circulating lymphocytes that probably affect the fetal genome."

This suggests that enhanced UV radiation exposure during solar maximums negatively influences life span and immune systems. I imagine during solar minimums, the higher incidence of cloud nuclei and less sun influences vitamin D production for the people especially in higher latitudes.

I imagine humans must be at their best health somewhere between solar maximums and solar minimums, and moderate daily solar activity flux.


Tinnitus, Melanin, and the Sun

This might be an awkward or controversial topic in general for this forum and might be why I waited to respond to this... and might also explain why we seem to know so little about how our eyes, brains, ears and skin respond to changes in sunlight wavelengths and solar activity.

Ironically, I had a friend come over yesterday with a deaf albino dog that needed a special type of greeting (non-eye contact, face other way) to help it overcome its own ringing in its ears when approaching a new person. Reminded me of this new info I've found about tinnitus and hearing/ears for this conversation and how important melanin is to the functioning of many of our inner ear and many other brain parts. I'm not sure what that means for the poor doggie but I'd certainly try giving them a diet high in melatonin and melanin, calcium and iron and sunrise and sunset infrared light therapy after reading what I have read.

Here is some of the research I have found regarding tinnitus and melanin and the sun.

Melanin and heavy metals storage in pidgeons in cities with pollution:


Melanin and hearing loss: very controversial study. Big claims, but only studied pigment differences in white women so found no differences to support their claim. They believe there are bigger melanin differences between white and black people than between two white people with different hair color.


This article is about how certain pharmaceuticals (antibiotics) accumulate in the inner ear in guinea pigs:


This study looks at eye color and tinnitus: the study's participants were mostly women I noticed.


and another maybe controversial link about melanin and hearing loss:


It seems like the sunlight and solar activity are foundational to how our hearing works and protects itself via pigments. Although this does not quite explain why tinnitus would act up during a CME, CIR, flare, or lack of all of them (kp =0) and a higher amount of cosmic radiation and schumann resonance and lightning... I thought it was important to understand how general ear function uses pigments made from sunlight to detoxify heavy metals out of its system.

There might be some therapeutic benefit to eating foods with more melanin (tyrosine derivative) and melatonin (tryptophan derivative) and exercising in full sunrise and sunset light to adjust and recalibrate your eye retinal to your vestibular ear balancing system if you spend alot of time staring at a computer with blue light. Here is a link describing using ginko and melatonin for tinnitus and saying more studies are needed to be done to support their effect.


Some natural food sources of melatonin (tryptophan) are cherries, cherry juice, goji berries, fish, nuts, milk, beans...etc

Some natural food sources of melanin (tyrosine): broccoli, mushrooms, avocadoes... etc..


Beethoven supposedly lost his hearing due to lead poisoning from using a leaded goblet for his wine. I heard he was taken to radioactive hotsprings in Czechoslovakia to try to cure it and even drank the water naturally high in radon.

This talks about lead (Pb) role in hearing loss and other "ototoxic" compounds:


This forensic hair analysis of Beethovens hair showed his doctor likely lead poisoned him with lead salts for wound sterilization after draining his organs for lead poisoning.. very strange and morbidly ironic.


Just trying to understand how our inner ear basically stores heavy metals and pollutants and how the sun and a healthy diet can detox these toxins out.

Based off of the exciting new article David Silver already shared titled:

Human magnetic sense is mediated by a light and magnetic field resonance-dependent mechansim


...it seems as though blue light triggers a stronger magnetic response  when the subject is hungry.. so staying well fed and off the computer 
(blue light) during enhanced solar activity would perhaps alleviate the symptoms of tinnitus. Infrared light seems to turn off this response. Since we can't create a sunset for red light therapy to turn off the magnetic sense, there are tinted goggles or glasses that simulate sunsets to help get to sleep. Orange goggles worked so well I couldn't use them at the lab I worked late at because they made me too sleepy and relaxed. I'm still a fan of barefoot sunset runs, and cherry juice works really well to calm my soul.

Hope this late and long post is still relevant or useful. I feel like I have learned a lot from hearing people on this forum question how our bodies, ears, and minds which evolved with the sun, react to the sun. I think I have found some relatively simple and accessible methods to hopefully help alleviate some reactions to solar activity or pollutants detoxification.

Its really hard to not write essays when talking about health and solar activity.. its like opening a can of neverending wormholes of sun revelations.

Cheers to using the sun to create the resiliency we need to heal ourselves from its effects!

Edited by Bry
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On 6/25/2022 at 12:45 PM, Compuw22c said:

I love how simply questioning correlations and asking "what if" suddenly counts as "medical misinformation", which seems to be a pretty new thing.

I said it was borderline misinformation, not that it was misinformation. Claiming cosmic rays can predict pandemics infer (to me) that cosmic ray are the primary or major influence of pandemics, which requires that you discount local factors which are testable. 


In my opinion there are people who want to discount science and society in favor of a cosmic or metaphysical explanation for phenomena and tragedy because simplicity is preferred to complexity. This is something I think is a human response to the unknown. 


Medic misinformation is often the denial of information (like COVID) which can impact society, or the inability to determine what is correct/incorrect information. 


I personally separate the medical industry from medical science, although there is still overlap. I understand the reasoning to be skeptical and the absurdity of the medical industry. 


Reducing pandemic occurrence to cosmic rays is a step in the direction of disregarding testable and tested medic science in favor of the simple explanation. There could be an influence but predicting pandemics due to cosmic rays is very speculative. 


I would urge you to be as skeptical of speculation as you are of the medical industry. 


On 6/25/2022 at 12:45 PM, Compuw22c said:

All of a sudden it's extremely important that everyone have the same beliefs about things most reasonable people would admit we don't know everything about, like medicine and astrophysics.  Labeling anything that contradicts 2 areas of science we admittedly have a LOT more to learn about as "Misinformation" is incredibly cocky on the side of the "Powers that be".

Sir this is a Wendys.

On 6/25/2022 at 12:45 PM, Compuw22c said:

Just a very suspicious behavior from the "powers that be".  Why doesn't the CDC go on TV and tell people that penis pumps are dangerous?  Isn't that also medical misinformation that could hurt people?

Penis pumps aren't a disease. The CDC is the center for disease control. 

On 6/25/2022 at 12:45 PM, Compuw22c said:

 Why don't we chastise vegetarians that won't feed their children meat for spreading "medical misinformation". 

People do chastise vegetarians, but dietary choices are not diseases. Also, no one needs meat, there are countless methods to get all the nutrition you need without meat.  


On 6/25/2022 at 4:13 PM, Bry said:


The gun is sacred.

On 6/25/2022 at 4:13 PM, Bry said:

We are less fertile, we are less productive, more polluted.. why force children to bring children into the world if they are not ready?

Fear of extinction, it's been part of their message for years. People have issues with death, and they will strangle anything and anyone to control women to prevent their fear from being actualized. There are all sorts of reasons, but religious beliefs are primary. 

On 6/25/2022 at 4:13 PM, Bry said:

I am all sorts of angry with the decision to revoke women's right to choose when they bleed and create a human life.

Me too, my spite is great, shared by many.

On 6/25/2022 at 4:13 PM, Bry said:

This means that in states where you cannot get an abortion, you might not even find a place to give birth either !! (that isn't a hospital which can cost thousands of dollars!)

Absurdity is painful, and contradiction a wound. 

On 6/25/2022 at 4:13 PM, Bry said:

Good thing there's no gun factory nearby or we'd surely have a lot more shootings in this county!

Unfortunately, America is a gun factory. 

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Hi Bry, Archmonoth,

pardon me, I’m a little slow (today)…lol.

But, for the life of me, I can’t find the link between abortion, gun control, eating your vegetables and not your meat, unleaded gasoline and how Beethoven lost his hearing - and sunspots… can y’all help me here? I’ve been pondering this all morning!  I just can’t see the connection! 😎



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2 hours ago, WildWill said:

Hi Bry, Archmonoth,

pardon me, I’m a little slow (today)…lol.

But, for the life of me, I can’t find the link between abortion, gun control, eating your vegetables and not your meat, unleaded gasoline and how Beethoven lost his hearing - and sunspots… can y’all help me here? I’ve been pondering this all morning!  I just can’t see the connection! 😎



Well, my comments were about Bry's rant, and compuw22c's distrust, and not Sun activity at all. 


There might be a connection to tinnitus and the Sun in the general population but diagnosing an individual's tinnitus can be a bit more complex.


The issue with many assertions and articles about the Sun's influence is that it can't be falsified, just corelated, which is the start of being able to test something. 


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@David Silver 

Hello David.

Thank you for creating the topic on Helibiology and sharing your findings in it.

I have discovered that during October/November 2021 the only thing that more or less correlates

with worsening of my health state has been increased solar activity. I have visited lots of doctors and went through numerous laboratory and instrumental examination

but nothing really helped in a long term, more over I haven't get any clear answer to the root cause question.

Most of the doctors point to cerebral blood circulation issues either due to inadequate tone of vessels

or  venous insufficiency because of neck muscle stiffness.

It would be good if we could synchronise from time to time to share experience and checking whether solar activity

really does some negative influence or is it driven by confirmation bias.

For example, today my level of anxiety increased and annoying tinnitus followed all the second part of the days

which may related to negative bz and kp4/kp5.  

Do you have skype or any other messenger we could use for communication?
(I tried to reach you in private messages but it looks like they were not visible to you)

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Hello Volodymyr, nice to meet you. Sorry, I’m not on here every day, and especially if I’m not feeling well. But yes, it would be interesting to collaborate. I am very careful to not confirm bias, and have been continuously careful and regimented in my observation for over a year. 
Yesterday’s M flare is a great example. I had a great day, felt fine, easy day at work, no stress, no typical triggers. Suddenly like a switch being flipped, my tinnitus jumped from zero to 10, which is very unusual. I also felt surges of migraine in my temples, which feel very specific and unlike a typical migraine. I looked and found the M flare had happened about an hour before. I’d love to discuss this with a scientist interested in understanding this biological effect. I am seeing an Otoneurologist next week. I understand that my preexisting condition is the cause of my hypersensitivity, but I’m still attempting to resolve it.

Very few people including Doctors are aware that 10% of people report effects from solar weather. Probably twice that number ‘feel’ it. But of course everyone is being radiated by this energy, and I think it would be prudent to understand Heliobiology in general. We’re at the very beginning of the process.

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On 10/10/2021 at 10:26 PM, Christine L said:

Hi David,

Many of us are sensitive to changes to the magnetosphere and solar activity. I don’t question the validity of this at all either. I have seen several studies - mostly by the NIH (as you noted). Yes, this has greatly intensified as we move out of the solar cycle minimum. You are in good company!

For me, this happens when the Planetary K index is above 6 or 7, when solar wind is above 500, or when the magnetometer is above 130. I know a number of people who are particularly affected by solar flares. I feel them when they are mid M-Class and above.

We have found that electrolytes help (including liquid magnesium), hydration, being in nature and rest. Basically, things that support your Krebs cycle.

I hope this helps.


Magnesium glycenate helps me as well as B vitamins. Something else that helps my symptoms is using sound waves and meditation to move the energies through the central nervous system. Each person’s nervous system receives external stimuli at different wavelengths and intensity, so the particular tone will vary for each person. Slowing down the electric impulses seems to help with the physical discomfort in my experience and this can also be true for red light and sitting in a completely dark room for awhile. 

On 10/17/2021 at 3:49 PM, David Silver said:

It is a scientific field of research called Heliobiology,  sometimes overlapping with magnetobiology, as in electromagnetic. Because the sun, Earth and your body are intimately connected in an electromagnetic exchange of energy.

You should read about these disciplines sometime, that’s what this thread is for. You show very little compassion.

”To a degree” is exactly right. Correct. Please go away.

Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics 2018

Magnetohydrodynamics and magnetostatics seems to have quite a hit of information. Also any studies involving plasma seems to hold merit. 

On 11/23/2021 at 12:43 AM, Christopher S. said:

That's more like it.

Also, this has become absurd.

Each body responds differently to information. If there is high frequency vibrations it could, potentially, allow certain bodily fluids to move more freely as a result of the friction. Anything is possible. 

On 5/13/2022 at 11:53 AM, David Silver said:

The Earth is shielded by the clouds and atmosphere, but even more so by the invisible electromagnetic field that we all exist within. That protection is more variable than most people realize, modulated by many factors in a very complex system. The simple version is that when the Bz is "north" positive, we are largely shielded, and when it is "south" negative, we are less shielded. Different particles, or frequencies of energy, interact with the Earth (and our bodies) in different ways. Proton storms (like the one we are just now recovering from) energize the Earth system in an entirely different mechanism. You can try learning about the global electric circuit if you are interested in the science of how it works, but this is relatively new science with a long way to go.

Global Electric Circuit Solar Forcing

I experience subtle changes daily with frequent unpleasant health reactions. Refer back to page one to read my explanation of my personal hypersensitivity, but again, in general, most people don't experience heliobiological effects from space weather; most studies point to about 10% of the population. I am also affected by surface weather changes, like thunderstorms, probably due to barometric pressure changes. 

In general, blood pressure (and viscosity) and melatonin changes are implicated as the main mechanisms that cause these adverse health reactions in some people.

"...figuring out what exactly specific weather events do to the body is an imprecise science that's still developing, particularly when it comes to pain and emotional health, Grady Dixon, Ph.D., an associate professor in the department of geosciences at Mississippi State University, said in an interview with Weather.com. 

"When weather changes, it's not often just one variable that changes," he said. "Is a change in temperature that's affecting a person well-being? Or is it the change in wind or cloud cover? It's hard to figure out which change is affecting humans, and because we're largely relying on human perceptions, trying to quantify how these changes affect humans is another challenge." 

As climate change continues to impact human health, Dixon said he believes this study will become more important. Dixon studies climate, weather and emotional health and suicide and said that his discipline is moving closer to a space where scientists believe they will be able to predict some human behavior based on weather patterns.

Some things, however, we know are impacted by the weather — and why. One of the biggest? Blood pressure. As changing pressure systems change your blood pressure, a host of health consequences can follow, Jennifer Vanos, an assistant professor in the department of geosciences at Texas Tech"


Could the magnetic poles on the sun flipping have more of a drastic effect on some than others? Some people are more aligned with an electro static field rather than an electromagnetic field, similar to the wave/particle duality we observe in physics. Microcosm/macrocosm relation. Perhaps some people have more -ions where as others may have more +ions creating the differences in biological response? When the sun has anomalies in the magnetic poles there may be alternate symptoms/effects. This is a fascinating school of thought imo, and what are the ways a human is capable of shifting their electrostatic/electromagnetic field to adjust for the impacts? 

On 5/16/2022 at 6:48 AM, Ingvar said:

as I said, my body is well aware of the effects of atmospheric pressure and space weather. They are different.
If we think about why the heart contracts, the original reason is the cells of the myocardium, the heart muscle, actually are a proton pump. The inner fluid of the cell has more K+ ions, and the outer more Na+. This creates an increasing in time electrical potential difference on opposite sides of the cell membrane, after which micropores in the cell membrane open, ions move through the membrane, and the potential drops. This is the primary driver that causes the heart to beat and can be registered by ECG. Deviation in this normal pump cycle in any way (permeation of the membrane due to cell death, or incorrect ratio of K+/Na+ ions) leads to heart rhythm disorders. Here it is easy to understand why some metals are poisonous, while others are harmless for humans/animals. This is due to the fact that heavy metal ions distort the potential difference on both sides of the cell membrane, until the complete stop of the proton pump of the myocardium. We can assume that the flow of protons passing through our heart also affects the permeability of the myocardial cell membrane. The solar wind also may be the source of this proton flow 

Follow this thought back to the origin and you arrive at the central nervous system. Ionic bonds seem to be the solution for symptoms as well as the cause. Which infers there are ways to navigate the remedy holistically. 

On 5/12/2022 at 11:04 PM, Archmonoth said:

Well some of the implications is for radiation shielding for astronauts in space.

Fungi found in Chernobyl feeds on radiation, could protect astronauts - CNET

Astronauts don't have an atmosphere or clouds or other such things to protect them from solar radiation. 

Astronauts also experience hallucinations from radiation interacting with their optical nerves. Here is the wiki explaining the hallucination phenomena: Phosphene - Wikipedia 

Again, its great that the clouds and atmosphere and such prevents radiation affecting us to such a degree. 

From my understanding is that yes the astronauts used to have optical light phenomena occur in the form of geometric patterns, and they have since modified the helmets to block out these particular spectrums. 

On 5/12/2022 at 8:51 PM, No pseudoscience said:

I ummm actually don't 

Also,  the wording confused me, but still, I don't like misinformation, but I'm going to tell you something that i usually keep a secret, i once fell for a conspiracy theory, but I eventually recovered, and that is why I try my best to point out misinformation, so that others don't make the same mistake I did. 

Once bitten twice shy? It seems like an error to discredit all possibilities due to a teaching moment if discernment. Could it be that perhaps there are things we dont have the answers to as a collective yet some individual experiences are not false? Could objective observations and being open to possibilities without developing a fixed belief be a method of entertaining said possibilities and not closing the doors completely? Just a thought. 

On 10/12/2021 at 8:53 AM, Christine L said:


Yes, I felt the CME before it arrived too. You mention feeling lonely because others don’t feel the same. Many of my friends are helio-sensitive too, but we are in different regions of the world. Often, one of us will feel the energy before the others or the impact is regional so it’s not 100% synced. I have noticed that “regular” people are influenced even though they don’t realize it when they are suddenly quite tired or have a headache and attribute it to something else. Before I realized i was influenced by solar dynamics, when I felt really tired, I just wrote it off to a bad night’s sleep or joked that it was a “double gravity day.”

Posting some research here, which may interest you (or the various sources note)…


I often check research using academia.edu as well.

Another source of influence for me are big storms and weather systems. Have you followed the Schumann Resonance or the work of HeartMath?

Also, curious if you have ever tried salt baths during these “events” to reset your system.

Kind regards,




Just gonna chime in. Salt baths can be helpful for some depending on their personal ion flux. Some it may exacerbate the symptoms, however in those cases, it seems that clay baths with bentonite clay can be a benefit. Another experiment that could be helpful is to shift ones ph by way of sodium bicarbonate to make more alkaline, or vinegar to make more acidic. Often times if i feel the buzzing in my nervous system, drinking pickle juice and taking a hot shower to increase -ions helps reduce symptoms tremendously. This varies situationally and isn't 💯… which has also led me further into this field of study. 

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On 10/18/2021 at 3:52 PM, David Silver said:

Lunar cycle affects biological parameters

The Journal of Biological and Medical Rhythm Research

Volume 38, 2021 - Issue 6
Human physiological processes and behavior are subject to alterations caused by circadian rhythms, lunar cycles (LC), and seasonal changes (Zimecki 2006). Circadian (Haus and Smolensky 1999) and seasonal (Nelson and Demas 1996) rhythms are well described; but, how humans are affected by the LC is still to be explored. Lunar lighting has been revealed to influence the physiology and behavior of various animals, including primates (Takemura et al. 2004). However, the effects of lunar light on humans have not been very evident, because most people sleep indoors and the full moon (FM) may not always be visible, especially when the sky is cloudy (Röösli et al. 2006).

Few studies have highlighted the issue of the effects of LC on human physiology with conflicting results reported in literature (Reinberg et al. 2016). The controversies could be due to the confounding variables in various study protocols as well as a lack of a reliable connection between lunar periodicities and human physiology (Reinberg et al. 2016). Cajochen et al. (2013) reported that nocturnal sleep recorded around the FM was characterized by a reduction in total sleep time with slow-wave sleep, increase in sleep latency and rapid eye movement, as well as a decrease in evening melatonin (MLT) levels 0–4 days around the FM compared to other lunar phases. MLT is mainly secreted in the pineal gland and plays an important role in the regulation of circadian rhythms, contributing to the temporal organization of human behavior and physiology (Ouyang et al. 2018). The study of Cajochen et al. (2013), showing lunar influence on objective sleep parameters and MLT concentration in a light-controlled sleep laboratory, could be considered an authentic and unique study of the LC effect on human physiology.

It has been reported that FM is associated with sleep disturbance and a higher cortical reactivity in adults (Smith et al. 2014; Turányi et al. 2014). Additionally, it was highlighted that sleep was longer and physical activity levels were lower during the FM among children at different pubertal stages (Sjödin et al. 2015). Contrarily, another study (Cordi et al. 2014) revealed that the LC had no effect on sleep in a replicated protocol of the study of Cajochen et al. (2013) with a higher number of participants in three larger samples consisting of 470, 757, and 870 sleep recordings. Similarly, Haba-Rubio et al. (2015) did not find a significant difference between lunar phases with regard to subjective sleep quality.

The human body follows a circadian rhythm with the suprachiasmatic nucleus regulating the sleep-wake cycle and other bio-rhythms (Hammouda et al. 2011). Biological parameters have been shown to be time-of-day dependent with acrophases generally observed in the evening corresponding to the oral temperature acrophase in physically active men (Dergaa et al. 2020; Hammouda et al. 2011).

The reduction in total sleep time during the FM seems similar to an acute partial sleep deprivation. Sleep disruption could have negative impacts on biological parameters (Depner et al. 2014; Everson et al. 2012; Haack et al. 2004; Lekander et al. 2013; Romdhani et al. 2019; Scheer et al. 2009; Spiegel et al. 1999; Wright et al. 2006). Recently, Dergaa et al. (2019), in a light-controlled laboratory study, noted that sleep perception was poorer and short-term maximal performance was lower on the following day of the FM compared to NM, independent of time of the day of testing. 

@David Silver

for examples of lunar cycle affecting humans try reviewing feminist literature.  Most existing scientific study is conducted and reported by males, which does illustrate the effect on sleep patterns (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe0465)

but focuses on luminescence.

This study (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe1358)

focuses on women’s menstrual cycles over time, finding:

Our observation that gravitation works as a zeitgeber on humans may explain why menstrual cycles, mood cycles (30), and cycles in sleep onset and sleep length (31) coupled temporarily either close to the full moon or close to the new moon since at both phases, the Moon’s gravimetric influence on Earth is similar. Effects of gravity might also account for the fact that synchrony of sleep onset and sleep duration with the lunar cycle has been observed in college students living in the light-polluted city of Seattle, where the Moon’s luminance cycle is scarcely perceivable (31). Together, these observations raise a possibility that the human organism can respond not only to fast gravitational changes, like those detected by the vestibular system, but also to slow, periodically recurring gravitational changes.”

I think there is a desperate need to study individuals with gravitational, magnetic, and atmospheric sensitivities to better understand the mechanisms driving these debilitating sensitivities.

It may be valuable for understanding who is capable of space flight and how these forces affect the body. 

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23 minutes ago, June Reed said:

@David Silver

for examples of lunar cycle affecting humans try reviewing feminist literature.  Most existing scientific study is conducted and reported by males, which does illustrate the effect on sleep patterns (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe0465)

but focuses on luminescence.

This study (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe1358)

focuses on women’s menstrual cycles over time, finding:

Our observation that gravitation works as a zeitgeber on humans may explain why menstrual cycles, mood cycles (30), and cycles in sleep onset and sleep length (31) coupled temporarily either close to the full moon or close to the new moon since at both phases, the Moon’s gravimetric influence on Earth is similar. Effects of gravity might also account for the fact that synchrony of sleep onset and sleep duration with the lunar cycle has been observed in college students living in the light-polluted city of Seattle, where the Moon’s luminance cycle is scarcely perceivable (31). Together, these observations raise a possibility that the human organism can respond not only to fast gravitational changes, like those detected by the vestibular system, but also to slow, periodically recurring gravitational changes.”

I think there is a desperate need to study individuals with gravitational, magnetic, and atmospheric sensitivities to better understand the mechanisms driving these debilitating sensitivities.

It may be valuable for understanding who is capable of space flight and how these forces affect the body. 

Something i have recently learned is that the sun has a 27 day solar cycle which aligns with the 28/29 day lunar cycle. Where as the gravity is shifted due to the moons position, my curiosity extends to how the solar cycle and magnetic polarity within the regions of the sun in relation to the phase/placement of the moon, have a greater impact on human physiology. 

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On 7/16/2022 at 10:28 AM, June Reed said:

@David Silver

for examples of lunar cycle affecting humans try reviewing feminist literature.  Most existing scientific study is conducted and reported by males, which does illustrate the effect on sleep patterns (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe0465)

but focuses on luminescence.

This study (https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abe1358)


Lunar effects have a lot more than 1 study and way more comprehensive that the link provided.

There have been a few 50+ year studies, meta studies, and retesting of previous studies regarding the Lunar Effect.

Lunar effect - Wikipedia

"A considerable number of studies have examined the effect on humans. By the late 1980s, there were at least 40 published studies on the purported lunar-lunacy connection, and at least 20 published studies on the purported lunar-birthrate connection. This has allowed several extensive literature reviews and meta-analyses to be produced, which have found no correlation between the lunar cycle and human biology or behavior"

There are many citations for this being thoroughly studied in the wiki article:

Much ado about the full moon: A meta-analysis of lunar-lunacy research. - PsycNET (apa.org)

Lunar Phase and Birthrate: A 50-Year Critical Review - R. Martens, I. W. Kelly, D. H. Saklofske, 1988 (sagepub.com)

Human Responses to the Geophysical Daily, Annual and Lunar Cycles: Current Biology (cell.com)



I don't know what gender the people who are conducting the studies are, but there have been many years of research and analysis of the myth of the Lunar effect. 

On 7/16/2022 at 8:25 AM, Tia said:

From my understanding is that yes the astronauts used to have optical light phenomena occur in the form of geometric patterns, and they have since modified the helmets to block out these particular spectrums. 


The light is produced from radiation affecting their optic nerves. What does "occur in the form of geometric patterns" mean? Are you referring to what they are seeing? From the reports, it's not geometric but pulses, flashes, nothing lined or angular. 


I don't disagree with you, just trying to clarify what you are saying/expressing. 

On 7/16/2022 at 10:55 AM, Tia said:

Something i have recently learned is that the sun has a 27 day solar cycle which aligns with the 28/29 day lunar cycle. Where as the gravity is shifted due to the moons position, my curiosity extends to how the solar cycle and magnetic polarity within the regions of the sun in relation to the phase/placement of the moon, have a greater impact on human physiology. 

How a big difference of numbers (27, versus 28/29) do you consider a potential pattern? 

The Sun's rotational period and doesn't affect the Moon or gravity or anything in its rotation. The Moon's rotation is based on its mass/distance from the Earth, and doesn't change or seems altered in any way when the Sun goes through changes. (22-year cycles, barycenter differences, and activity levels)


I understand your curiosity, and maybe there is a connection, but the mechanism of the Moon's orbit and the Sun turning are not connected as far I can see. 


As far as human impacts, perhaps people like David may notice something, but the mechanisms and research are not exhaustive yet for me to point to anything. 

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2 hours ago, Archmonoth said:

Lunar effects have a lot more than 1 study and way more comprehensive that the link provided.

There have been a few 50+ year studies, meta studies, and retesting of previous studies regarding the Lunar Effect.

Lunar effect - Wikipedia

"A considerable number of studies have examined the effect on humans. By the late 1980s, there were at least 40 published studies on the purported lunar-lunacy connection, and at least 20 published studies on the purported lunar-birthrate connection. This has allowed several extensive literature reviews and meta-analyses to be produced, which have found no correlation between the lunar cycle and human biology or behavior"

There are many citations for this being thoroughly studied in the wiki article:

Much ado about the full moon: A meta-analysis of lunar-lunacy research. - PsycNET (apa.org)

Lunar Phase and Birthrate: A 50-Year Critical Review - R. Martens, I. W. Kelly, D. H. Saklofske, 1988 (sagepub.com)

Human Responses to the Geophysical Daily, Annual and Lunar Cycles: Current Biology (cell.com)



I don't know what gender the people who are conducting the studies are, but there have been many years of research and analysis of the myth of the Lunar effect. 

The light is produced from radiation affecting their optic nerves. What does "occur in the form of geometric patterns" mean? Are you referring to what they are seeing? From the reports, it's not geometric but pulses, flashes, nothing lined or angular. 


I don't disagree with you, just trying to clarify what you are saying/expressing. 

How a big difference of numbers (27, versus 28/29) do you consider a potential pattern? 

The Sun's rotational period and doesn't affect the Moon or gravity or anything in its rotation. The Moon's rotation is based on its mass/distance from the Earth, and doesn't change or seems altered in any way when the Sun goes through changes. (22-year cycles, barycenter differences, and activity levels)


I understand your curiosity, and maybe there is a connection, but the mechanism of the Moon's orbit and the Sun turning are not connected as far I can see. 


As far as human impacts, perhaps people like David may notice something, but the mechanisms and research are not exhaustive yet for me to point to anything. 

Unfortunately I cant recall the interview I watched with a panel of astronauts. From what i can recall there was variation of colours and shapes as a result of the phosphene which alludes to  the probability that geometric patterns are encoded in our dna. There is also effects of auditory phenomena from radiation which correlates to the “tones” and “humming” certain people experience.  


something that fascinates me is when i’m feeling the physiological effects of solar winds/increased background radiation, by gently pushing the palms of my hands into my eyes emits the flashes and lights sometimes there are very specific geometric patterns that appear in waves and this helps me as an artist. Another exercise is when there’s elevated radiation levels, closing one eye and relaxing the other while soft gazing at a white wall or in a pit h black room will reveal the colour spectrum and direction of the winds. Perhaps this is an anomaly, I'm curious if others are able to replicate the results. 

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1 hour ago, Tia said:

Unfortunately I cant recall the interview I watched with a panel of astronauts. From what i can recall there was variation of colours and shapes as a result of the phosphene which alludes to  the probability that geometric patterns are encoded in our dna.

What do you mean by "probability that geometric patterns are encoded in our DNA"? Are you saying the patterns look like a helix? or what? 


The rods and cones in our eyes, the nerves they connect to are all being stimulated by the radiation, and firing, even though there is no light, it's a hallucination from radiation. 


Yes, you can see things from pushing on your eyes, those are call pressure phosphenes, from the pressure you are applying to your eyeballs. 


What you are describing with the white wall is probably not the direction of the solar winds or normal winds, they don't work like that, since none of the solar wind reaches us. Regular wind is only visual if there are dust/leaves/particles to see, it's not the wind you are seeing.  What you are seeing is the pressure phosphenes in one eye stimulating your motion sensors and they can be see with the one eye on the white background easier. You can do this with the vessel in your eye, or you can walk for long periods while looking down and suddenly stop then look up at the sky, and the motion will feel/seem like it is continuing. 


The wiki article for motion in the eyes, is pretty good: Motion perception - Wikipedia 

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Saying “none of the solar wind reaches us” means you haven’t been paying attention or trying to learn something new. Really disappointing. You’re not a serious person or participant in this thread.  Actual discussion is far more interesting than trolling. Wikipedia is a troll circus where the most skeptical bully editing in his Moms basement wins. It is not a credible source of current information.

The “wind” is a stream of electrons, 300 or 500 kilometers per second for instance, like a firehose of energy blasting the planet. When the Earth’s field is positive, we are largely shielded, yes. But even then, this energy enters the poles and radiates toward the equator. At other times, the energy enters more quickly, more comprehensively, and some solar forcing has been demonstrated to occur from ionosphere to ground within a minute. Learn, then talk. 

“The frozen-in Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) carried by the solar wind, emanating continuously from the Sun, interacts with the terres- trial Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (MI) system forming the basis of the solar- terrestrial interactions. The amount of solar wind energy that would get transferred into the magnetosphere, via the process of magnetic reconnection, is governed by the north-south (Bz) component of the IMF (Dungey, 1961). The solar wind-MI coupling becomes strongest when the orientation of the north-south component (Bz) of IMF is southward, for a sufficient interval of time, setting conditions favorable for the occurrence of intense/strong (Dis- turbance storm time: Dst<=-100 nT) geomagnetic storms…”

“thus perturbing the ambient ionosphere over low-to-equatorial latitudes by the process of Prompt Penetration of interplanetary Electric Field (PPEF), causing detrimental effects (see Chakraborty et al. (2020a,b) and references therein) on the performance of space-based navigation satellite systems like the GPS/GNSS over these locations.”

(And, affecting all life on Earth, whether you are aware of it or not.)

Edited by David Silver
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