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Message added by Sam Warfel,

Enough pointless back-and-forth. It’s clear no one is in a position to have their mind changed. 

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    I can detect solar flares before they're posted by the NOAA. I can feel the flares and then I can feel the solar winds and especially the Hemispheric Power fluctuations. I can also feel fault lines and other magnetic fields.... I am extremely sensitive to naturally occurring geomagnetic disturbances... Anyone else have this issue ? It's disabling!!!!

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Astronauts in space survive months without even noticing any effects from space weather, unless there is a severe space radiation storm but that’s rare in a solar cycle. 

The earth has a magnetosphere which protects us humans on Earth from any potential harmful effects from space weather. You can’t feel something that is deflected by the Earth’s magnetosphere. 

conclusion: what you feel/experience has nothing to do with space weather. Consider getting medical advice from professionals and/or professional guidance (and that’s not doctor Google or doctor YouTuber).

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1 hour ago, Cat Perkinton said:

@MinYoongiis that a clinical diagnosis? it sounds impolite - there are more welcoming ways to respond to a newbie comment even if you do not agree with the content.

You're probably right.

I'm just sick of Pseudoscience and this hokus pokus in the forum, some people should seek medical answers or a therapist - which is no shame, i struggled with mental health as well before in my life.

i know some people are more prone to sense electricity, i can hear my fridge buzz or my power outlet squeak alot of times - i heard many people with autism/adhd do.

but this is different, and it makes me frustrated.

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I dont feel them before but I feel them after I found them all connected to the sun . I get really ditzy. Definatly the sun :D Also earthquakes and volcanos have been effecting me but again the sun causes those also , GLAD TO SEE I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE! I found a place that calls it Biometeorological  https://world-weather.info/forecast/usa/  you can search your state and then biometerological forcast tab will tell you when there is more energy in the air that can effect you. It is widely know the solar effect of the sun. here is another site that has some info , it cuases me migrane sometimes and Ill get nauseated but mostly it is invigorating and I can tell when something is up with the sun and earth so I call it a handy gift ...  https://www.mrmbb333.com/can-the-sun-change-the-way-you-feel-.html  Good luck to you also since the sun just has started to awake.. BTW all this started in august 2019 for me and that seems to fit the current model. I love when I can find the science to back me . :D 


I also foudn this article here is the titel and absract.Open access journal of bioscience. DEFINATLY NOT PSUEDOSCIENCE , I have autism and adhd. THE SUN CAUSES MY FLAREUPS> :D   ABSTRACT Heliobiology is a new branch of science that deals with the influences on human health caused by solar activity and investigates the possible mechanisms to explain the reported associations. In the last decades, many researchers have considered geomagnetic storms, cosmic rays, and solar flares to be hazardous to human health. They have established that these space weather indicators could play a role in regulating external factors in human health. Heliobiological results have attracted scientists from various branches of science to do more work in this field. In this short paper, the concepts of solar activity, space weather, and heliobiology will be briefly introduced and discussed. The main findings of the effects of solar activity on human health will be summarized.  https://biomedscis.com/pdf/OAJBS.ID.000203.pdf


Edited by mesmerising
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Just be cautious. There is probably no one here that knows everything about space weather. There is the saying you may know as well, don't believe everything you read on the internet.

If you don't know much about the Sun and you blame the Sun for everything, odds are most of what you think is incorrect.

To end, causes can be hard to find. Just a few days ago, after over 20 years of searching, my sister was diagnosed with a rare disorder.

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How can you separate solar weather effects from local issues like diet, water intact, genetics, or other issues? 


For example: How do you know a headache is solar related versus a lack of water or diet? 


Personally, I am skeptical, since the effects of solar weather are less than the local effects of electronics in people's homes. Also, standing behind a wall would shield you, or an umbrella, or even a hat. 

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I know that I have been following spaceweather only since 2020 aned everytime I get this overwhelming sense of anxiety and or a mirgraine. because I have had my brain scanned , ive been to therapist. I have auto immune disorder and the suns flares, cmes, solor wind all contribute to them this is over 1yr 1/2 of me following them so it not coeinciddance they ALWAYS line up, sometimes you have to wait for science to catch up to the truth , listen to you rbody , your the best doctor. Sometimes the medical fields cause more harm then good. Why put me on a pill if it doesnt help when there are other envirmental causes. The indegnious understand all about it, they understood more than anyone can give them credit for. Trust you gut. and I am okay with anyone who doesnt belive me.  Im not here to judge you, I honestly wish everyone could feel this because I believ the sun is about to give us all a run for the money. Everything is connected. I know though this much the science doesnt understand the sun at all , we are all still learning what it all about .  Plasma physcis is a fairly new study. Their are no true experts in that field. it constantly evoloving . Ill leave with  a few quotes.. 

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

 Nikola Tesla     


“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

 Friedrich Nietzsche

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You know what a good example is right now I been feeling this light tingle in my head and we reached kp4, normally it got to be kp4 or more , of corser the higher the kp the more the tingles, it lieka werid burning heat it not uncomfortable but noticable , but the heat is always with teh solar proton increase as in rthe screan shot, if it ok ill just post stuff when I feel it here and after months of that yo umight get the picture. I litteraly have the last year and 1/2 of screen shot , unorganized mind you , but I have shared so much that friends call me a sun goddess :D if the PHI flips or the magntic fields change at all I feel it,I have dyscaulcula so number are difficult for me so theshold levels I am not sure ...these proton fluctuation I am definatly feeling there might mbe a cme? I havent even looked. it always after they happen. I also counted back the 11 yrs solor cycle and that is when I connected it to my migraines also since they have returned with a vengange. I eat a healthy diet , I am a cancer survior, so maybe the chemo makes made me more sensitive other than that no other changes and I am fairly new to technolgy so figureing out it was the sun and finding science now to back me has been a godsend. Just to understand why it happwning has been helpful. 


yes see it the PHI and the megnetic field this is wow on me right now , all i can see on lasco is a tiny little flare that was possible earth directed. I am still learning what it all means. 


yes if this is a cme this is what I felt , it normally anywahere from 30 to an hour no more than 2 hour if I am going to feel them. I felt the sun grazer comet , if fact when I post anything on here  it because I felt it and then looked it up. been doing it 100% of the time for over 1 1/2 yrs 


I am still trying to navigate this forum so it sometimes more diffult to post for me . I personally think it kinda cool, and explained alot of issues I have had recently and in my past. It makes my typos really bad though. Its almost surphoric at times or can be ..I noticed when I first thought it was just solar flares ... then I noticed we can have a cme without a solar flare and I would feel it too. I then also noticed when the KP index was 4 or more I felt it, and also when the solar wind is high or density. If it in the yellow on the magnometer in swedan I feel it so this kp7 they just had is wowser. That is the weridest part I think it I will feel swedan magnometer and I live in the  usa. I did find a corrolation with magnetic sensitive in bird because of the cones in their eyes and I am a tetrachromatic person which means I have an extra cone and see more color than most people. I have rulled out any diet issues or hydration and I litterally get tested for everything since I had cancer in 2016 so I am healthy for once in a long while it seems and that makes this even more intresting. So yes I can answer most space weather related question but dont throw number my way ill get confused :D

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1 hour ago, mesmerising said:

I know that I have been following spaceweather only since 2020 aned everytime I get this overwhelming sense of anxiety and or a mirgraine. because I have had my brain scanned , ive been to therapist. I have auto immune disorder and the suns flares, cmes, solor wind all contribute to them this is over 1yr 1/2 of me following them so it not coeinciddance they ALWAYS line up, sometimes you have to wait for science to catch up to the truth , listen to you rbody , your the best doctor.


Full stop, NO, you are not your best doctor. Don't believe everything that you THINK!

1 hour ago, mesmerising said:

Sometimes the medical fields cause more harm then good.

I understand the rationale and skepticism of western medicine and the medical institution. However, it doesn't make you more of an expert because another system is faulty. 

1 hour ago, mesmerising said:

Why put me on a pill if it doesnt help when there are other envirmental causes.

There needs to be a method of determining truth/false, and medicines can help. For example, if your headache is from high blood pressure unrelated to solar weather, a doctor can do blood tests. 

1 hour ago, mesmerising said:

The indegnious understand all about it, they understood more than anyone can give them credit for. Trust you gut.

There are many times to trust your gut, but pseudo-science is not the time. Folk medicine is woefully infected with superstition and dogma and has nothing to do with biology. 

1 hour ago, mesmerising said:

and I am okay with anyone who doesnt belive me.  Im not here to judge you, I honestly wish everyone could feel this because I believ the sun is about to give us all a run for the money. Everything is connected.

Everything might be entangled, but not everything is connected. There are tons of things which have no effect on us. 

1 hour ago, mesmerising said:

I know though this much the science doesnt understand the sun at all , we are all still learning what it all about .  Plasma physcis is a fairly new study. Their are no true experts in that field. it constantly evoloving . Ill leave with  a few quotes.. 

The lack of understanding in science doesn't validate guesswork. again, don't believe everything that you think. 


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I been on earth long enough to belive everything I know to be true , Liek I said I am not here to make you a believer of me I was answering the topic sinc eI related. It funny when the medical fiend or psychological field cant explain it . I am happy and content in my findings if you dont believe that find I am not a child who needs a schooling for sure :D But people can only meet you as deep as they have met themself. Personaly I foudn it funny it was the sun all along :Deveryone is welcome to opions and I have science to back my findings as I posted about, just because your not reading the articles doesnt make you an expert on me for sure :D I would apprecialte instead of snide comment someone talk to me about the science that can explain what these values mean on the charts .. that woudl be way more helpful. Not sre why I suddenly cant post a screenshot to show a screen shot




Just because you dont belive it doenst make it false and it doesnt mean I dont know myself more than anyone

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its funny most of the greatest sceintist were pre 1945 I wish we coudl go back to the day when science was more about figureing things out then putting people down 


funn y thing no one has asked me a space weather related question and I did post my space related finding it seems that most of the responds are even space weather related but MINE ARE !

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5 minutes ago, mesmerising said:

I been on earth long enough to belive everything I know to be true , Liek I said I am not here to make you a believer of me I was answering the topic sinc eI related.

Asserting that you are your own best doctor is not true, no matter how long you have been around. 

5 minutes ago, mesmerising said:

It funny when the medical fiend or psychological field cant explain it .

Accepting the unknown is difficult, I understand, but something being unknown doesn't make your guess true. 

5 minutes ago, mesmerising said:

Just because you dont belive it doenst make it false and it doesnt mean I dont know myself more than anyone

How do you decide when something isn't true?

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Thanks I dont need school space weatehr related repsonds if what I was so hoping for I guess this forum is all about schooling peopel on who they are when other peopel havent even had a conversation about their life so Im just wait to repspond to some science not someone elses opion about my self 


3 words again  Biometeorological  senstivity, and heliobiology ..give me science or move along please 

So like here is a space related quesion , what is th ePHI and why does it flucuate if someone can answer me that or have space related question that be fine, but since it a space weather forum honestly that is why I came here. 

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1 hour ago, mesmerising said:

Im just wait to repspond to some science not someone elses opion about my self

To start learning to understand what you are looking at and not guessing(or "knowing") that the Sun is causing your problems,

The EPAM began to rise as the CIR(dense protons ahead of a CH HSS) passed. I'm not sure which CME or CMEs caused it to rise in the first place, but because of the parker spiral, I'd guess it was from a CME on the east(left) side of the CH on the solar disk.

For the IMF GSM components, B is the total strength, Bx is the Earth-Sun line, By is perpendicular to Earth's magnetic poles and Bz is parallel to Earth's magnetic poles. I'm not too familiar with Phi and Theta, but they would be directions of the IMF.

Edited by Jesterface23
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I am not guessing and I do know... The sun isn't causing my problems, My sensitivity to magnetic fields is causing them... I also have the same feelings when I pass college science departments, hospitals where x ray machines are being used, sometimes even passing through courthouse and departments store metal detectors.... Every solar storm effects me PROFOUNDLY.... I HAVE READ THOUSANDS OF PAPERS AND STUDIES ON Legitimate Medical sites which highlight these phenomenon... It is not hard to differentiate normal headaches from those caused by solar weather, it is easy to discern the spikes in your heart rate, BP and abnormal HRV levels that occur only during solar storms as being what they are.... Symptoms of a sensitivity to electromagnetic waves and particles... To not be effected by these fields of super charged particles I would have to live under ground.....  I don't guess.... I observe.... I pay attention....  For you to make such broad and accusational comments is unacceptable and unappreciated.

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20 minutes ago, Jesterface23 said:

To start learning to understand what you are looking at and not guessing(or "knowing") that the Sun is causing your problems,

The EPAM began to rise as the CIR(dense protons ahead of a CH HSS) passed. I'm not sure which CME or CMEs caused it to rise in the first place, but because of the parker spiral, I'd guess it was from a CME on the east(left) side of the CH on the solar disk.

For the IMF GSM components, B is the total strength, Bx is the Earth-Sun line, By is perpendicular to Earth's magnetic poles and Bz is parallel to Earth's magnetic poles. I'm not too familiar with Phi and Theta, but they would be directions of the IMF.

That a much better helfpul responds than your opions on what causes my issues , thanks 


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To simplify high solar winds, CME's, etc etc .... All of these phenomenon which cause fluctuations in the levels of negatively and positively charged ions, electrons, neutrons, particles, atoms etc etc are contributing factors to solar storms. Solar storms are caused by one or more of these phenomenon tearing open a hole or holes in the magnetosphere  surrounding the earth. During these storms and even when the sun's activity is relatively slow and there is no storm the Earth's magnetic field is not constant, it fluctuates constantly and the levels of energy vary from one point to the next all over the globe all the time... During these storms the fluctuating levels of energy fluctuate more and increase in intensity and frequency. This is factual information... There are many types of energy in many forms such as waves and particles etc etc....  Narrowing down which space weather phenomenon causes what symptom may take centuries to figure out but one thing is clear not only from my own observation but from scientific papers and peer reviewed studies spanning more than 100 years that space weather does in fact effect our health even if we don't notice the effects there are effects. Many people seemingly go through life with no effect on their health whatsoever while others are put out of commission by it.... But a simple Thirty day independent and private study at your home taking HRV data every day and noting the differences in normal days and solar event days will show you that even those who do not feel it are being effected by it.... The reason some people don't feel it is because their brains ignore these sensations either due to training, conditioning or a lack of intellectual ability to process the sensations and correlate the connection....  I hope this can bring some level of understanding to those who keep making ignorant comments and whose presumptive nature keep the from being respectful to others...

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17 minutes ago, Jesterface23 said:

I'm not too familiar with Phi and Theta, but they would be directions of the IMF.

Phi and theta are the azimuthal and polar angles, respectively, of the B field vector.

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17 minutes ago, b3llmor3 said:

I am not guessing and I do know... The sun isn't causing my problems, My sensitivity to magnetic fields is causing them... I also have the same feelings when I pass college science departments, hospitals where x ray machines are being used, sometimes even passing through courthouse and departments store metal detectors.... Every solar storm effects me PROFOUNDLY.... I HAVE READ THOUSANDS OF PAPERS AND STUDIES ON Legitimate Medical sites which highlight these phenomenon... It is not hard to differentiate normal headaches from those caused by solar weather, it is easy to discern the spikes in your heart rate, BP and abnormal HRV levels that occur only during solar storms as being what they are.... Symptoms of a sensitivity to electromagnetic waves and particles... To not be effected by these fields of super charged particles I would have to live under ground.....  I don't guess.... I observe.... I pay attention....  For you to make such broad and accusational comments is unacceptable and unappreciated.

Wow it sounds liek it is diffcult with all this electricty, U woudl liek to knwo more abou twhat your fidning have been if you dont mind

I dont seem to be effected by xrays or mris, floresant light and I can hear electrcity things running but I tune it out mostly .. Just glad to find someone the flares and cme effect also 

1 minute ago, Trestan said:

Phi and theta are the azimuthal and polar angles, respectively, of the B field vector.

so then they are connected to the magentic field? or pole regions ? 

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