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UV spike readings on CME days


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4 hours ago, Jesterface23 said:

So many stations are so close to each other that multiple stations would give an average reading for an area. Given there are 250k+ stations worldwide of various sensors there is going to be a station or two that isn't perfect.

Well the way the energy hits the Earth would be very difficult to calculate it would be cool to have more data on the release and where Earth was located and which side was facing Earth to see if the PEAKED readings made a pattern of interception. If you actually look the those stations for the entire month of February their readings co-align with spaceweather events. It isn't just random either because if you measure elevated levels in surrounding areas (which is why it would be great if the data could be plugged in from all of the stations) there would most likely arise a pattern of intensity.

Also there is a lot to figure out when one solar event overlaps another solar event and how the fields respond to create the fluctuating levels. Unfortunately a lot of the stations do not have data that go far enough back to get a good comparison of what days in a less active solar period look like.

This is definately more than a coincidence too because of the stations locations in accordance to the world wind patterns. Seeing as how the north and south poles are where space weather come from in the northern hemisphere the stations with Northern winds post event tend to be the more sensitive ones all across the board.

I have no doubt that if the data was extrapolated and analyzed this could be a very inexpensive way to track how CME and other spaceweather events arrive on Earth. Wunderground having people setup their own weather stations could also account for these bizarre peaks, but I am willing to bet if someone smart enough calculated all the points and included earth facing direction, rotation and the speed and shape of the plasma and energy released (which is beyond me at the moment) there would be a definite pattern in a timely, ordered fashion of emission landing tracks.

Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice but yet we know how to track thunderstorms and some places are just more prone to lighting than others.

If this data can be proven it can open up a whole new insight on Earth weather and how it fluctuates according more to sun bursts and spaceweather. It also could open up the realm of redirecting or protecting the vulnerable parts of Earth from having more extreme impacts which ultimately could possibly prevent other weather disasters brewing like the wild fires, earthquakes and volcanos.

If it is true and space weather is hitting the ground in localized places and their can be a formula made then perhaps even small craft airplanes can have a heads up when flying and not get caught in the path of a direct hit from spaceweather during the momentary lapse of protection from the atmosphere.

Finding stations near each other is to be expected but honestly I don't see how that data set I provided are near each other at all. It only adds to the fact as earth rotates different places would be hit at different times and resonance of previous spaceweather events could also impact the landing particles, their strength and velocity.

Still no matter what people should be aware that space weather can dramatically increase harmful days and should take caution and check their local area before heading outside.

I need more sophisticated computing and analyzing technology. This is happening and it's happening this month and it only appears to be getting more extreme with overlapping events.

Do me a favor and just try it for yourself. I have only been monitoring for a week. Data collection takes time but to see a pattern this quickly is truly amazing. To find the data correlate with the 2021 Santee plane crash that fell out of the sky is ma remarkable coincidence. The readings from NC Plane Crash recently over the outerbanks also had indicators that may have been a hotspot for severe CME impacts.

Patterns can be interpreted mathematically but it is going to take me some time to apply the math or find someone to help me with it.

Seismicgraphs predict Earthquakes.

I believe solar readings can eventually lead to a better ypediction model of at least how solar storms effect the Earth.

This field is grossly understudied and seemingly laced with notions that may have changed as our planet has changed.

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On 2/16/2022 at 5:19 PM, Archmonoth said:

UV is BLOCKED by atmosphere and ozone, and nether are homogenous, so you will see spikes in different areas, even on a clear day. 


Well here is what the ozone looked like on Feb 15th notice the pattern of my locations with peaked readings and the ozone? I'm getting there.

Wind is wild right now here. Same pattern as the previous three days. I have a gut feeling about this. I have done nothing else for a week but track down proof.




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35 minutes ago, Solarflaretracker200 said:

If this spike happens when this monster AR comes over the limb and throws possibly M or X classes and causes it, then there will be proof, if not, well there is no proof.

I am all for finding new connections between solar activity and the local Earth system. However, spikes are not exclusive to solar activity.

I have suggested to FairyG to find ways the coloration/coincidence false, find a contradiction. You are correct in that no-spike during a flare would lend weight to the UV connection not existing, merely correlation. 


I have been skeptical about UV differences because of the variables involved. However, to validate FairyG, the EPA does see and recommend additional UV protection during solar activity. Radiation From Solar Activity | US EPA 


The spikes which FairyG is noticing seem like they are both plausible and valid. (to me)

The question is further begged: does UV increases correspond to the appearance of brightness to the human eye? 

UV light is not visible in the human eye, we lack the hardware to perceive ultraviolet light. even if the UV light is higher, we wouldn't notice. 

However, increase sin UV would also mean increases in OTHER types of light from the Sun, types which are visible to the human eye. If UV is increased, why wouldn't other wavelengths be increased (higher flux)? 


When I first join this website, I saw an M4+ flare and thought the sky was brighter, and it provoked me to look up more information. I was told the sky was not brighter, and after learning the list of variables affecting light, (like the atmosphere), I accepted the answer. 


However, it seems plausible that increases of UV light during solar activity could mean the sky does appear brighter from a human eye perspective, if wavelengths and flux (like UV) are also increased. 


I am also an enthusiast, and there is much I don't know, so perhaps there is something I am missing. 


53 minutes ago, FairyG said:

I have done nothing else for a week but track down proof.

I appreciate your collection of information and relentless pursuit. 



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11 minutes ago, Archmonoth said:

However, spikes are not exclusive to solar activity.

Makes total sense to me. 


13 minutes ago, Archmonoth said:

I have been skeptical about UV differences because of the variables involved. However, to validate FairyG, the EPA does see and recommend additional UV protection during solar activity. Radiation From Solar Activity | US EPA 

Maybe solar flares don't increase UV but they make UV more 'dangerous' if you know what I mean. 

17 minutes ago, Archmonoth said:

When I first join this website, I saw an M4+ flare and thought the sky was brighter, and it provoked me to look up more information. I was told the sky was not brighter, and after learning the list of variables affecting light, (like the atmosphere), I accepted the answer. 

So what FairyG is seeing could be what is effecting light (Sorry for the terrible sentence 🤣)


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2 hours ago, Solarflaretracker200 said:

Maybe solar flares don't increase UV but they make UV more 'dangerous' if you know what I mean. 

I would love to know what you mean. 

2 hours ago, Solarflaretracker200 said:

So what FairyG is seeing could be what is effecting light (Sorry for the terrible sentence 🤣)


Yeah, I think FairyG has an idea which is plausible and valid. However, there could be a piece of information missing. For example, if increased solar activity also increasing UV flux, this doesn't automatically mean visible light wavelengths are also increased. (Appearance of brightness)


The question remains though, and it seems reasonable to me that if UV is increased, why wouldn't other wavelengths?

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Hi @FairyG. Yes, almost immediately after a flare on the Earth-facing side of the sun, and even the limb, rays and particles begin arriving at Earth. You can see the X-ray monitor and watch them every day. Other frequencies of energy arrive at different speeds. Of course the Ultraviolet radiation is affected.

A couple readers in denial that energy from the sun is reaching the surface of Earth is a bizarre delusion you will experience in this forum at times.

The missing component here is that the Earth’s electromagnetic field varies greatly from day to day. Most of the time we are entirely shielded from inbound rays and particles. SOMEtimes, we’re not.


Edited by David Silver
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5 hours ago, David Silver said:

Hi @FairyG. Yes, almost immediately after a flare on the Earth-facing side of the sun, and even the limb, rays and particles begin arriving at Earth. You can see the X-ray monitor and watch them every day. Other frequencies of energy arrive at different speeds. Of course the Ultraviolet radiation is affected.

A couple readers in denial that energy from the sun is reaching the surface of Earth is a bizarre delusion you will experience in this forum at times.

The missing component here is that the Earth’s electromagnetic field varies greatly from day to day. Most of the time we are entirely shielded from inbound rays and particles. SOMEtimes, we’re not.


I think it has to do with the Arctic ozone hole breaking up and then reforming in a waffle fry shape (still calculating data on that one) and the intense small dense ozone vortex paired with the layered space weather events makes "perfect storm" scenerios where the atmosphere momentarily fails? Or just doesn't block a lot of rays it should. Ahhhhh... It is really frustrating but what's truly amazing is witnessing the phenomena of the sun's power day by day this week.


Being able to find the weather stations that act like "solar radiation stenography" was challenging at first but once I finsld a station that has a UV peaked reading them the next few days the wavelengths of the overall days record of UV tends to have flat tops and be significantly decreased. Using this deductive method it becomes clearer that even if the levels are different and the times are different the same patterns of wave lengths can be seen all across the board over the month of feb. Everyday I learn more and more and come closer to being able to come up with a formula.

Right now it's just come to my attention that I can find three stations in a triangle and "see" what time and intensity the sun appears to be hitting the Earth as a result of a spaceweather event. So while there may not be a station to register the point most intense pont of impact, it can be deducted where that might be if you pair daytime ozone with nighttime ozone and surround UV readings.

Not all the places on Earth would get blasted the same. What is fascinating is the ozone maps. And how the ozone seems to dip out in the areas where stations mimic the wave lengths taken by the satelites of the approaching plasma/rays whatever the sun is flaring.

Even the farside and over the limb  not can be seen in timely fashion. Having so many events overlap makes the UV readings have strange shapes that also resemble space weather diagrams and as I uncover more about how that is processed I get closer to figuring it out


If this can mathematically prove how the rays land on earth I think it will enhance how spaceweather is predicted and understood. I feel like the earth weather responds more to space weather events first and foremost and then follows the earth weather rules. Not sure that regular weathermen take into account sunspot regions and solar flares and magnetic field disruptions but I would imagine they do but without even realizing it.

The North winds have been my guiding force. And spirals.


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uv index only measures between 295-325nm and weighs them based off assumptions that shorter ones are absorbed in stratosphere. Flares give out emissions from the whole spectra it seems. I’m sure some extra uv makes it through in between 295-325nm during a direct hit from a flare!

I wonder how photochemical smog or ozone from emissions and plants on the surface affects uv readings beyond the stratospheric ozone..

also there is sun angle to consider at different times of year. I wonder if there are more even uv readings across the globe during the equinoxes. D-absorption readings show the direct circle area of sunlight on the sunny side of earth being affected. 

great questions and investigations! I have totally also been wondering if I should not be in direct sun when soft x ray wavelengths from flares are occurring or cme’s.


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13 hours ago, FairyG said:

The North winds have been my guiding force. And spirals.

I find that statement interesting, since those factors arise in the troposphere and therefore your observations are being guided by earth weather - not space weather.

North winds (in the Northern hemisphere) generally mean an influx of cold air. That in turn leads to an increase in air pressure, which in turn tends to suppress formation of clouds - thus leading to higher solar (and UV) radiation in the region under the high pressure zone. This can be seen graphically by putting the wunderground page for KNYDELAN 43 into weekly mode (see below).


But, this is just showing that the conventional understanding seems to adequately describe the phenomena, however that is not the same as saying there is no more to be discovered - so keep on looking !

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9 hours ago, 3gMike said:

I find that statement interesting, since those factors arise in the troposphere and therefore your observations are being guided by earth weather - not space weather.

North winds (in the Northern hemisphere) generally mean an influx of cold air. That in turn leads to an increase in air pressure, which in turn tends to suppress formation of clouds - thus leading to higher solar (and UV) radiation in the region under the high pressure zone. This can be seen graphically by putting the wunderground page for KNYDELAN 43 into weekly mode (see below).


But, this is just showing that the conventional understanding seems to adequately describe the phenomena, however that is not the same as saying there is no more to be discovered - so keep on looking !

Clouds do not stop UV only infrared.

Also the way the clouds seem to vaporize is truly amazing in person. To be surrounded by snow and clouds and then poof, yesterday the sun would shine through piercing a hole in the weather then the wind would come through and it would start over. Today that sun did it's brightening thing. Our UV fluctuated and so did the intensity and the clouds stayed away from a circle area. The sunset was magnificent dark oranges and then these blues and greens.

I wrote a lot of my findings out better on my blog musicloveseverybody.com

It's really out there but at least I could post days and days of UV readings and better correlate my thoughts. Plus I added it into my sci Fi autobiography tale too. I mean I have spent a week on this! Some moments I think I'm wasting my time but I know I am right. It all starts from the sun and then our Earth weather applies the rules!!!

It's always been a sci Fi site and who knows our Earth weather is right but it originates from the solar storms that whip the hearth. The patterns today can be seen and when you have a steady beam of light and a recording of it as the day passes and the Earth turns. If the Beam is fluctuating as those in flare emissions then I believe the stations that are the center of where the beams are the strongest are recording the measurements of the flares, or coronal hole energy directly as UV readings. The dew point dropping and the temperature rising in such graphic ways seems to tell me the power of the energy compressing the atmosphere and the rubber banding fractal effect can be seen! I can visualize it mathematically but not enough data and knowledge to input the factors. I will figure it out or find a computer that can.

Fractals fractals everywhere as the energy isn't just hitting the earth in one spot once but it is a stream and when the stream is hit by another stream that too can be seen in the UV #PEAKS and valleys. Add in the magnetic fields and Earth weather so much to compute. But it all starts with knowing where to look, what to look for and when.

I knew yesterday and today when I was looking at data that the sun was being active and when I saw thebSOHO for the past 72 Hours it fit visually with the visual energy output and timing I had seen in the patterns.


A computer could use these measurements with the Earth's stations coordinates and entering them all in can come up with a good estimate of the energy reaching the Earth's surface from the sun. The measurements passing by the satelites and the timing and the tilt and position on Earth all have to be factored.

It is so clear to see when you look through a cluster of stations around these ones that are the weer spot center o the blow of the beam that they reflect in time the same wave structures but off a bit because the velocity and intensity is different but surely the one in the middle with the highest most steep levels is gotta be the place it hits hardest.

Adding in the magnetic fields and overlapping events would be tricky but mathematically figured out.

I just need more data and a good computer system and program to plot the data.

Plotting all the UV and dew point and temperature data is key and then generating a model of the beam passing the satelites and where the computer model shows according to UV intenaity and these sweet spot locations are key it could be eventually figured out how all the parts in the machine work!

Just nobody had this sort of world wide data collection at the tip of their fingertips and I doubt anyone ever thought to look at it this way.

And mini holes in the ozone was actually professionally studied.


Tonight's green sunset. It was quite orange and red then the greens came in.

I picked up the faint tops and traces of northern lights colors just after sunset.


Also if the patterns I found coincide with Earth weather that makes sense this is Earth. But why are birds dropping dead out of the sky and I can find evidence of severe energy fluxes by translating UV and solar energy PEAKS and waveforms into the measurement of how solar beams from space weather events directly impact ground level.

Who knows maybe x-rays or gamma rays are getting in but nobody notices. Think this usually happens over the ocean.

Probably the Bermuda triangle.

Maybe it's only starting to happen over land because something changed these past 20 years and shifted the sun's focus or intensified it.

A tiny hole in the magnetosphere down to the atmosphere that allows a beam in will probably spread out as it enters so only one little spot on the Earth would get brutally hit. Since the Earth is never in the same spot twice and over time it moves relatively to the sun there would be significant areas that get hit but a little differently each pass. An 11 year break and then the beatings resume.

Shield the same beaten area from solar storms and watch the fires and volcanoes and hurricanes dim. Instantly I bet too.

Do you see the world map today? The spirals along a banded line that almost looks like what it would look like if the beams hit and spread out! Then add in more direct hits and compound the effects and woa... Natural Earth weather.

Yet now we know where and how it started. Food for thought.

Two days in a row there was a circle of clouds that formed in conjunction with the UV levels rising in the area.

 The time of day didn't make sense either. I think it's the way the sun's energy was hitting from the ejections not it's normal amount and Earth's rotation.

Look at those ripples. Like when you throw a stone into a pond. What is being thrown?




This might have something to do with what I am talking about. When you look at the readings imagine each peak as a beam hitting but of course interacting beams of light is not all that is happening. Each solarstorm instance creates an entire energy field so we have two or more energy fields interacting represented as a UV measurement.

I am not using UV to measure intensity in and of itself but rather a way to geographically map the energy hitting towards Earth and if we figure out where each beam originates "sweet spots" cloud evaporated impact zombies and follow the data outwards by first locating the "lollipops" the weather stations with North winds amongst the swirl of stations of varying winds all pointing to the one station that remains north wind (probably because all the other layers are dropped out and the north wind fills the void from above (this finding the bottom of the vortex) or the intense part of the sun's direct hit onto the surface.

Whether ozone plays a role is up for debate but looking at ozone models of each day and night it is clear the night and day shifting patterns.ofnozone movement could easily create vortex miniholes of ozone, then when overlapped with magnetosphere vortex and a drop out of atmosphere hit by the ray of plasma from one of the sun's spits... Well that is what I am trying to figure out.

This is what inspired me 

spacer.pngspacer.png spacer.pngspacer.png

It seems obviously happening everywhere but unless you are specifically looking at it that way and for it, you would just probably find random weather stations that all read pretty normal. Yet every part of the earth is influenced so that is why my focus is to find all the sweetspots and work outwards.

Most people.do not get to live in one of these vortex sweet spots and so I get to study it and experience it helping add to the speculational theory. Yesterday's hole in the clouds... Imagine a near earth beam that hits like a skipping stone across the earth as the beam from the sun hits on its way down in it's big wave form. Each time it hit down on earth a hole in the clouds is made.

Even calculating the rate at which the clouds disappear and using the radius measurements could most likely contribute to beam mapping.

Notice though the clouds are in a circle yet again and yet again in similar times consecutive days. That's really coincidental.


Yesterday's circle

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1 hour ago, FairyG said:

 Look at those ripples. Like when you throw a stone into a pond. What is being thrown?

Those are in fact real waves in the atmosphere. Sometimes referred to as "gravity waves" and no relation to "gravitational waves" which are ripples in the fabric of space. I've seen them many times, usually in association with the anvils from cumulonimbus.



Here's something I found. Screenshots_2022-02-20-23-42-56.thumb.png.9aa751993f6b231a2c23369a561802d8.png

There wasn't a strong flare today and yet, still a UV spike.


Fortunately for beach-goers, elevated levels of solar activity around the peak of the sunspot cycle do not substantially increase the risk of sunburns on Earth. Our planet's atmosphere acts as a shield against the most harmful forms of radiation -- and the shielding actually increases slightly near the peak of the solar cycle. So, if you failed to buy any super-protective Solar Max Sunscreen for your Labor Day on the beach, you can relax. There was nothing to worry about beyond the usual forms of skin cancer and exposure-related maladies.

"There really isn't much going on over the course of a solar cycle that will affect you sitting at the ground...because the atmosphere shields you," says Dr. Richard McPeters, principle investigator for NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. In space, radiation levels during solar maximum can be much higher than they are at solar minimum, posing hazards to astronauts and orbiting satellites. But, "when you get to the radiation that gets through the atmosphere, the variation [between solar maximum and solar minimum] is very small, less than a percent."

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation comes from the Sun in a range of wavelengths; some are completely blocked by the atmosphere, while others pass through to the Earth's surface.

The light that scientists call UV has wavelengths that range between 400 nanometers (nm) and 100 nm. A nanometer is a billionth of a meter, or one-millionth of a millimeter.

In general, the shorter the radiation's wavelength, the more energy it contains and the more damaging it can be to people, plants and animals. UV radiation with a wavelength of 400 nm -- which is close to visible light -- is not dangerous to people, while 100 nm UV -- which is closer to X-rays (less than 1 nm) -- is very dangerous. Fortunately, atmospheric ozone, oxygen and other gases block out the most dangerous UV photons at wavelengths shorter than 300 nm.

"The extreme ultraviolet photons that are most intense during the peak of the solar cycle aren't the same as the UV rays that give you sunburns," notes Dr. Judith Lean, a physicist at the US Naval Research Laboratory. "Sunburns come from the UV-A and UV-B bands around 300 nanometers. Extreme ultraviolet photons from the Sun are at least 10 times more energetic than UV-A and UV-B and they vary 100 times more [between solar minimum and solar maximum]. It's a good thing they're all absorbed by nitrogen and oxygen at high altitudes -- otherwise a day at the beach would be no fun."

Heightened levels of solar ultraviolet radiation can actually strengthen the shielding capacity of Earth's atmosphere by a slight amount.

The increase of UV radiation around 200 nm during Solar Max has the effect of increasing ozone production in the stratosphere. Ozone is formed in the stratosphere when high-energy UV radiation splits oxygen molecules into two oxygen atoms. One of those atoms then recombines with an oxygen molecule to form a three-atom oxygen molecule: ozone.

The exact amount of increase in stratospheric ozone is still debated, but the total increase in the ozone above people's heads is generally agreed to be about 1 or 2 percent during Solar Maximum. This added ozone helps to offset the slight increase in UV radiation at wavelengths that reach the ground

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8 hours ago, FairyG said:

Clouds do not stop UV only infrared.

Clouds do, on average, reduce UV radiation, and it has to be significant that the UV in the plot I posted generally matched the change in solar radiation but, according to a report in American Scientist, there have been some observations which suggest that under certain conditions there can be an enhancement effect.

"Just how common is cloud enhancement? The various studies have found that between 1.4 and 8 percent of all measurements show cloud enhancement compared with clear-sky values, depending on geographic location, but as many as 25 percent of those made on partly cloudy days may show it. Most often the enhancement lasts for 10 minutes or less—not a concern for the sun worshiper—but it has been known to persist for an hour."


Perhaps this is an explanation for the short-lived spikes that you have observed?

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11 hours ago, 3gMike said:

Clouds do, on average, reduce UV radiation, and it has to be significant that the UV in the plot I posted generally matched the change in solar radiation but, according to a report in American Scientist, there have been some observations which suggest that under certain conditions there can be an enhancement effect.

"Just how common is cloud enhancement? The various studies have found that between 1.4 and 8 percent of all measurements show cloud enhancement compared with clear-sky values, depending on geographic location, but as many as 25 percent of those made on partly cloudy days may show it. Most often the enhancement lasts for 10 minutes or less—not a concern for the sun worshiper—but it has been known to persist for an hour."


Perhaps this is an explanation for the short-lived spikes that you have observed?

Too bad I'm actually in one of the locations that shows varying UV levels and zero cloud coverage! Today being a perfect example. Also the way the sun keeps spitting out fury and the way those wind swirls and in alignment with which side is facing the Sun are mighty lining up! Also there is too much evidence of pressure and dew point fluctuations to ignore that even atmospheric pressure is impacted when struck with severe sun plasma from events.

Mary Greeley points out active earth quake regions each day and the UV readings are in accordance with her earth quake areas. Also the areas where the beam of the sun are hitting strongest and uniquely are being hit with power outages and severe weather in the pattern leading to weather stations documenting UV fluctuations.

Today I was following the strange wind divide line across the Atlantic and it lead to Chile coast and there is a huge chunk of the east coast carved out quite circular the fact it lines up with the lack of clouds and wind shifts made me realize it looked like an erasure mark with a large circular pen tool. Much like I would imagine a laser beam from the sun hitting it if there was no protection... Instantly frying the carved land. I started looking at current patterns in evaporating clouds today and wind patterns and while I would expect them to follow geographical features a lot of lakes and rivers started to resemble those erasure shapes.

It's a far reach but there is a strange meteor impact area in the st Lawrence fault system that Mary says you can find shattered cones which require 250,000 - 4,350,000 psi to make. Yes a meteorite can cause this but what if it was a direct hit with a sun beam from a giant CME during a coronal hole stream that somehow deleted the Earth's defenses in one area concentrating all the sun's energy into an intensified beam? But since it wasn't a "steady stream" and quite large it would hop or skip along the Earth's surface maybe even skipping a day or two before coming back in for another pass or landing?

I am still seeing evidence of solar weather events that originated as far back as January 1st and the CME of theb12, 14 and 15 are still really strong so each time the weather stations come in contact they pick them up as raised UV peaks.

There is a lot to explore but the amazing this is that I found the weird UV peaks again for the birds that dropped dead in Spain in 2021 correlating also with a similar series of space weather events. The timing is everything.

I also just found a new tool that tells me what part of earth is facing the Sun and showed the sun's intensity, so at least I can verify the stations are directed at the sun in the times of UV peaks.

Also the snow is melting so bizarrely here in this little UV peak area with Crater like circles and just really extremely faster than usual and the way the snow melted in undisturbed areas does seem like it could be splattered intense rays from the sun. The UV levels are the least of my concerns now as I start to think about what types of waves maybe even sound waves that hit the earth we are unaware of. The series of earthquakes in Alaska on 2/20/2022 also had stations with elevated UV readings around the time of the earthquakes but it's a lot to process and post.

I'm getting really good at figuring out where is getting hit the hardest and still very localized areas. What is really interesting me now is what happens if a huge intense large radius sun spot hits in the middle of the ocean nearby a chain of islands? Big waves?

Also if all the waves on the Earth's surface radiate outward in a pattern that seems circular in the center could that be an illustration of powerful sun energy hitting targeted area of Earth?

The area of this current energy beam seems to be most intense at maybe a 10-25 mile radius.

Not big enough to really disturb the ocean.

There is an area in Spain that gets bizarre big waves but I have to look into it. If the dates weren't so in line with sun bursts the. I wouldn't be so intense on my search, but the more I dig the more areas I can think of to check.

Finding UV PEAKS around areas where birds dropped dead from multiple years is really encouraging.

Even if we could in vent a shield to protect against visible light and energy what about all of the subsonic penomena or shockwaves we can't fell or detect other than with seismic machines.

I wish I understood visually how the current CMEs and coronal holes are effecting the magnetosphere in real time over each part of the earth, then I could compare with the layers of ozone maps and the UV readings at ground level and plot them out. See how things line up when the stations that get UV peaks how they are positioned and the use the surrounding stations readings to document the intensity.

Also each reading of UV is over the course of an hour so minute cloud fluctuations still wouldn't create such intense UV peaks and valleys. And places with zero uv picking up a little peak of UV is really significant.

This is probably a really rare occurrence and a perfect storm of Spaceweather has to occur, but still if somehow there is a way to prove it I will find it.

And the California laser conspiracy theory and that it is a man made weapon of sorts I don't believe. I think this is a phenomena that has happened long before man polluted the Earth.

Whose to say the meteors that crashed didn't also weaken the Earth's protection from the sun so in a pattern of the hole formed by a meteor crash the sun continues to scorch the Earth in a laser beam pattern.

Or maybe the right set of Spaceweather events made it so the Earth's defense made a lens to narrowly focus and harness the extreme bursts and caused a laser like beam, but the initial blast could have been really strong, why didn't it wipe out the whole atmosphere? It has to be a temporary, small, occurance that happens minimally but for some reason this year is really picking up speed and evidence of an approaching major "laser sun" event.

Ok well that is really a huge stretch. Should be easy to prove wrong.

19 hours ago, LunarLights58 said:

Fortunately for beach-goers, elevated levels of solar activity around the peak of the sunspot cycle do not substantially increase the risk of sunburns on Earth. Our planet's atmosphere acts as a shield against the most harmful forms of radiation -- and the shielding actually increases slightly near the peak of the solar cycle. So, if you failed to buy any super-protective Solar Max Sunscreen for your Labor Day on the beach, you can relax. There was nothing to worry about beyond the usual forms of skin cancer and exposure-related maladies.

"There really isn't much going on over the course of a solar cycle that will affect you sitting at the ground...because the atmosphere shields you," says Dr. Richard McPeters, principle investigator for NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. In space, radiation levels during solar maximum can be much higher than they are at solar minimum, posing hazards to astronauts and orbiting satellites. But, "when you get to the radiation that gets through the atmosphere, the variation [between solar maximum and solar minimum] is very small, less than a percent."

This simply isn't true anymore. Not true for this year.

Also nobody is looking and believes it possible so no one finds it.

Activity on the back side of the sun and filament eruptions can cause UV spikes if intense enough. Also it could be a combination of space weather events that weaken the magnetosphere and ionosphere and align with areas in direct path of the coronal ejection wave path. Those waves travel at different speeds and intensities.

You would first have to look up all of the space weather events for the previous two weeks and then start looking at the pattern of the UV in accordance with the space weather events and when they have been marked to actually hit the Earth then once you find the initial Peak you can see that Peak radiating for the following couple of days or weeks but if it's a huge CME then that Peak should resonate unless another CME occurs that cancels it and I'm not quite sure of the physics and how this works and if it's related more to magnetism rather than location of the earth and ozone.

Sometimes you get a peek if the angle of the Earth might enhance the UV light or bend it towards that station I mean you really have to look at the cloud coverage on a world map during the time of that Peak to see if there was a circle of clouds missing from that area and if the winds are spiraling into a point.

I believe the stations pick up the north wind among stations of varying winds because they are reaching the northern winds which are higher up on the earth because of the cyclone effect.

I believe the cyclone effect happens when a massive amount of heat and energy strikes the Earth in a circle or spiral or wave pattern and it's a continuing stream So as the Earth turns that beam is going to change that's why finding these stations with the Peaks is so critical because it's almost like finding the bullseye of where you know that beam was the most intense you just have to figure out which beam it was.

What really concerns me is that I really feel like this week we're going to see even more crazy events happen or maybe the magnetosphere and ionosphere will correct itself and protect the Earth wholeheartedly again but if that's in stock coming around hits us head on those areas that are being slammed over and over the past couple weeks with these moderate non-earth-facing events might be in for some serious trouble.

While losing electronics in the internet and all of that is the common concern I don't feel like it has to be a global blackout event and can be very narrow like what is happening in the United States right now and in Australia which both are suffering from extreme wildfires and power outages and weather.

This is happening right now and that's really exciting but terrifying because how does a person like me who just sees patterns and things figures out a pattern that every time I apply it keeps working?

It takes me about a half hour to 45 minutes to really figure each station an area out but it's just so overwhelming you just have to know how to look at the waves just like seismograph readers look at their seismographs and no hey there's an earthquake coming it's almost like that with these UV readings.

Maybe solar brightening cloud brightening is happening in reverse over these areas because of whatever reason but I really think this is a phenomenon that predates man and that we might not actually need an x flair or even an earth facing solar flare to harm the planet. Perhaps the farside events strike the Earth at different angles than Earth facing events and also perhaps the planets around us help protect us, but this year there are some really cool planetary alignments that may make things worse or better.

Hopefully like mother nature is known to do, she can repair and right her protections so we all are safe the entirety of solar cycle 25.

If you look at the solar cycle patterns as well and mirror out from each center event then it's predictable to see we are headed for another explosive time like 2012. I really wish humanity would focus time, energy and resources on developing new studying equipment instead of war machines.

I am so mad at the leaders of today in all the countries. Part of me kinda hopes something big does happen from the sun this week to put all this typical media crap on the back burner. 😉But without any people or animals getting hurt of course!


All Earth weather originate from the sun.

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22 hours ago, FairyG said:

All Earth weather originate from the sun.

Energy from the Sun is PART of weather. The term weather has many other factors and considerations. The Himalayan mountains for example cause the monsoon rains. Monsoon - Wikipedia 


You are trying to create a narrative to wrap all the complex systems of the world into something you can conceive, through simplification. Finding patterns is easy, and they may share the same segment of time, but be unrelated. 


I know it is tempting to think of the world as a large and interconnected web of equal events, but it isn't. 


Systems can be distant enough to have no/tiny effects, like with the Inverse Square Law, many things are not connected because they are too far away from the source. My cat sleeping is not connected to you putting on your socks, and they are closer in intensity and distance than the Sun. 

22 hours ago, FairyG said:

Perhaps the farside events strike the Earth at different angles than Earth facing events and also perhaps the planets around us help protect us, but this year there are some really cool planetary alignments that may make things worse or better.


I don't think planetary alignments don't affect weather, or flares. 

On 2/19/2022 at 4:20 PM, David Silver said:

A couple readers in denial that energy from the sun is reaching the surface of Earth is a bizarre delusion you will experience in this forum at times.

No one is denying the energy reaches us, but rather the conclusions about its effect on people is questionable.

Edited by Archmonoth
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10 hours ago, Archmonoth said:

No one is denying the energy reaches us, but rather the conclusions about its effect on people is questionable.

Well all the people experiencing the severe hurricanes, and wild fires and earthquakes are feeling the effects from I think the collaboration of space weather events. Relentlessly passing a laser beam over the Earth will do dage over time, however long this has been going on I did not like how many clouds on today's and yesterday's map resembled the shape of the bodies of water beneath them.

I did not like how where the sun seemed to stay in a pattern and heat up the area that after night came through clouds danced around those areas and other places the moisture swept in and wreaked havoc.

I really think there is a lot to explore here and sometimes once you wear glasses you can never go back to looking at the world without them.

There are plenty of videos this month that support the idea more intense beams of light and energy are reaching ground level.

It still seems totally possible that the image of the sun's surface at the time of a farside CME would be carried all the way to the earth and imprinted on its surface. For whatever reason this month, this week... The magnetosphere and tnosphere re failing in parts and places are quite actually lighting up.

And as far as people being harmed, I am in one of these intense spots and I seem ok. For now it may not be pin portable but once the repeating pattern keeps going it is only going to get harder to break. Locating how and where the energy when ejected from the sun doesn't seem to be important or studied because they are relying on our old system of defense

How can you have a complex pattern of man made electrical fields on and over Earth without interfering with the magnetosphere seems even more unrealistic, but then again people for the most part are pretty ignorant. Easy to accept answers and go on with life.

I shouldn't have been able to see the northern lights tonight with the KP value but for some luck and angles and light refraction perhaps I did manage to catch quite the show (the colors of them probably the top part) with a little perseverance and technology.

If I had the super computer and a person who can help me figure out the math end of this and also more time because this is all been just in one week of studying and I mean studying every day the weather patterns who will prove itself because it is true and the truth cannot be unproven.

The best thing to do would to be apply for a grant and get some team members and go explain my findings to someone who has the capability to even build a way to protect the Earth. If you keep punching a cracked vase it's going to break and as if all the volcanoes and super storms and wildfires and hurricanes can be blamed on another rich dudes agenda to steal the wealth and cripple the already welathy by power shifting using "climate change" and "fossil fuel" and "plastic bags" then more power to them. Those things will help.

But staying ignorant and pretending like there is nothing we can do and continue fighting wars is just dumb.

The sun isn't solid enough to block the blow if itself exploding, even if it isn't earth facing

Normally the weather keeps moving and doesn't repeat itself exactly day after day in the same spots in a row.

The lingering energy from the CME like beams kept doing the same thing to the earth this week and then adding more events on top

I really believe that far side eruptions blast through the sun and imprint it's pattern on the earth and then once that happens a lot more energy flows into the earth in these "mini holes" and some aren't mini. Even a pinsized hole were to make it to the ground surely evidence would be seen and the evidence is there.

Just have to measure it and come up with a formula and then a way to protect the most beaten down spots during storms. It is sad that the science community hasn't figured this out. But then like all knowledge, knowledge is power.

You are absolutely right. Definately trying to interlace the shoes with the same shoe lace... You still need two shoelaces though, one for each shoe. I'm not saying they are wrong so far just that they MUST keep going.

I want to go back to making paintings and playing with my dog. Yet it's so fun learning all of this and seeing the world without rose colored glasses.

I bet even if the sun was to actually burn a piece of land the people in power would explain it away anyway.





Put up a whole album. Got my circle of no weather, no storm and the clouds all spread out ofy way and it's 57 degrees out! I am constantly defying the odds and what people tell me was once impossible I often see made possible.

I have had about two weeks to cram all this knowledge in my head and sort it out. I can be ok with being a Jules Verne.

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12 hours ago, FairyG said:

Well all the people experiencing the severe hurricanes, and wild fires and earthquakes are feeling the effects from I think the collaboration of space weather events.

Severe hurricanes are a production of climate change, not solar events or current solar weather. How different or similar do you think the current solar cycle is?  (Solar Cycle 25)

Global Warming and Hurricanes – Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (noaa.gov) 


12 hours ago, FairyG said:

Relentlessly passing a laser beam over the Earth will do dage over time, however long this has been going on I did not like how many clouds on today's and yesterday's map resembled the shape of the bodies of water beneath them.

What laser beam? You are attributing the clumps and variety of UV in a hyperbolic way. The wildfires are caused by rolling Thunderstorms seasonally. 


12 hours ago, FairyG said:

I really think there is a lot to explore here and sometimes once you wear glasses you can never go back to looking at the world without them.

You can't see UV rays, but I know what you mean. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

It still seems totally possible that the image of the sun's surface at the time of a farside CME would be carried all the way to the earth and imprinted on its surface. For whatever reason this month, this week... The magnetosphere and tnosphere re failing in parts and places are quite actually lighting up.

They are not falling apart and are constantly being rebuilt by the internal dynamics of the Earth's core. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

And as far as people being harmed, I am in one of these intense spots and I seem ok. For now it may not be pin portable but once the repeating pattern keeps going it is only going to get harder to break. Locating how and where the energy when ejected from the sun doesn't seem to be important or studied because they are relying on our old system of defense

It is constantly studied, there are even magnetosphere monitors on this website. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

How can you have a complex pattern of man made electrical fields on and over Earth without interfering with the magnetosphere seems even more unrealistic, but then again people for the most part are pretty ignorant. Easy to accept answers and go on with life.

Insulation of wires, just like in people. Electricity follows currents, and those currents are insulated. the issue with climate change is reflective surfaces of the Sun's energy like asphalt and cement, and the pollution causing a depletion of the ozone, ocean temperature increases, and buildup of total energy through greenhouse systems. 


I strongly suggest learning more about climate change. Climate change - Wikipedi

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

If I had the super computer and a person who can help me figure out the math end of this and also more time because this is all been just in one week of studying and I mean studying every day the weather patterns who will prove itself because it is true and the truth cannot be unproven. 

I see, so because something can't be unproven it is true? I can suggest an endless variety of conclusions which can be unproven and are not true. For example, I could suggest the Sun causes people to want ice-cream, and if I can show that people purchase more ice-cream when its sunny out, then surely the Sun is affecting people to buy ice-cream?


We know with additional knowledge people are more active when the Sun is out, but the Sun doesn't affect our desire specifically for ice cream, perhaps only refreshment in a general sense. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

The best thing to do would to be apply for a grant and get some team members and go explain my findings to someone who has the capability to even build a way to protect the Earth. If you keep punching a cracked vase it's going to break and as if all the volcanoes and super storms and wildfires and hurricanes can be blamed on another rich dudes agenda to steal the wealth and cripple the already welathy by power shifting using "climate change" and "fossil fuel" and "plastic bags" then more power to them. Those things will help.

You sound like you are unwilling to acknowledge that climate change is from human actions. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

But staying ignorant and pretending like there is nothing we can do and continue fighting wars is just dumb.

So is ignoring pollution. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

The sun isn't solid enough to block the blow if itself exploding, even if it isn't earth facing

CMEs don't travel a direct path.

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

Normally the weather keeps moving and doesn't repeat itself exactly day after day in the same spots in a row.

Your assumptions about weather need some education. There are many places and times where weather is highly patterned. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

The lingering energy from the CME like beams kept doing the same thing to the earth this week and then adding more events on top

CMEs can take hours and days for material to brush against US, the light travels a direct path, beams and CME are 2 different things. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

I really believe that far side eruptions blast through the sun and imprint it's pattern on the earth and then once that happens a lot more energy flows into the earth in these "mini holes" and some aren't mini. Even a pinsized hole were to make it to the ground surely evidence would be seen and the evidence is there.

How much flux do you think reaches Earth? How much is lost? 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

Just have to measure it and come up with a formula and then a way to protect the most beaten down spots during storms. It is sad that the science community hasn't figured this out. But then like all knowledge, knowledge is power.

We have the knowledge to address climate change without anything you are suggesting. 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

I bet even if the sun was to actually burn a piece of land the people in power would explain it away anyway. 

What if they showed you rolling thunderstorms igniting a dry forest? 

12 hours ago, FairyG said:

I have had about two weeks to cram all this knowledge in my head and sort it out. I can be ok with being a Jules Verne.

Digest it and avoid conclusions.  There is much to learn about weather, climate change, and physics. 

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Or just live in one of these spots!!!!!  Direct observational data. I want to measure UV and all sorts of radio frequencies. The fact is that this is just crazy. Right now it went from 57 to 33. The wind comes in goes in a pattern but the big giant storm moved away from the blob that I have been recording. My little spot is just one on a much bigger swatch.

I figured it out but lack the ability to explain but once I get proof these mini holes exist and what series events needs to get ccur to make them... Also SE spots are more narrowed laser beams and therefore deadlier.

If there are any gamma or x-rays or exotic matter leaking in, even if there's a huge electron flux.... Any proof. Then I can work from both ends.

Nobody found this because nobody is looking!!!! Even today the sun has been getting brighter in accordance to UV readings while cloud cover he changed.

The snow melted in what two days. 4 feet of snow in 2 days that had compounded into I've and even when temps are going down the snow melts at night but freezes on the top??? Thateama it's melting from the earth so the earth absorbed intense amounts of energy and I've been here my whole life and this is like it takes weeks months for this to happen and it's a slow thing to have it happened so fast and then when you look at the patterns of the water vapor on the day when I have to look at the notes....

I think it was compounded the 12th the 14th and the 15th by the time the 15th came around it left an imprint cuz it hit the earth and then it just evaporated a lot of water and that water just went right into the air in the shape of the water below it.

And like you said I went to the wrong conclusion I thought maybe this was a recurring pattern that has been driving the coastline shapes and that a crazy major solar event could actually carve out a huge chunk of our coastline very quickly maybe even in one day but then that would be a catastrophic world event I was thinking so I kept looking.

And the patterns on the face of the sun and the patterns in the way the snow melts on a small scale here I bet if I got up in a helicopter and looked at a patch a field that hasn't been walked on it would have the pattern it's it's a sun surface pattern not the popcorn looking one but the one we see on GOES


If there is a magician and he says look over here look over here this is what's causing it everybody's going to look over there and stop looking for other reasons but when you don't know any of that and you just look at the facts it seems so obvious because I'm an artist.

When I say patterns it's like how nature creates itself with patterns with repetition and a formula and so the Sun and the Earth are mathematically bound so whatever happens on one influences the other once you figure out the key pieces you can use one to predict the other.

And all we think about is how the Sun affects our surface but we have now created magnetic fields within our magnetic fields and we don't even understand how the molecules of the different atmospheres when they're electrically charged might be sending a pulse back to the Sun amplified and aggravating it even more!!!

If nobody can even make the link that this is possible then nobody is going to look and if we just stop emitting our magnetic residents for even like a week or if we even just calm the Earth, such as lockdowns did in 2021 the people of this planet might actually be able to start preventing an apocalyptic Sun event and just because it might not happen in our lifetimes or our grandchildren's lifetimes if we don't start even thinking about it then we're just not living up to the full potential of our species.

Maybe I'm wrong maybe it is a coincidence that when you heat up water it retains heat and then when the source of heat moves away that radiant heat is going to give off it's going to send water molecules into the air and those water molecules are going to spread out but if those water molecules are staying in the same shape over a vast best piece of Earth why?

Yes Earth weather conditions can explain it but when it happens on a global scale at the same time in coordinates with an explosion on the Sun it has to be mathematically solved. So if you have a waveform it goes up and down up and down and hits wherever it hits and it's a beam so it's going to keep hitting it but that is rotating and as it's rotating that beam is bouncing off at refracted angles and you have all of these beams of compounded events blasting our magnetic protection, interfering with our magnetic communication systems and interfering with our electronics so vice versa all of our electronics in communication systems have an inverse proportional effect on whatever causes the disruption which is the Sun.

If you take a magnifying glass and put it outside in the sun you can start a fire so who is to say through disabling our magnetic protection the magnetosphere by accident by creating our own magnetic fields within the atmosphere we haven't somehow created a bridge that allows pieces of the Sun through?

This would have never happened in all of history of Earth because there were no humans to mess things up with their technology to make this happen so we wouldn't find this geologically because this would be a first time event.

But everybody is like why are you telling me why do I care because everybody just wants to be in the now and worry about today but if this could be a warning system then the earthquake warning system that gives Israel like 30 seconds could be blown out of the water with something that could be invented with this mathematical equation.

It would probably take me six and a half months of learning all the math and physics but I know was super computer could do it in seconds so I just have to get all of my thoughts together and all of the data together because if we can recognize the pattern in which the sun's energy beats the Earth then we know where it's going to be most vulnerable and we can even pinpoint when seismic events tornadoes and hurricanes are going to happen.

Right now the sun has beaten the same spot with almost the same amount of intensity every single day only varying in a maybe a couple of feet not even a couple miles, the duration of this beating will be dependent on how long I'm guessing the solar flare came out of that sun and there's a proportionate way to measure it between measuring where the satellite measures it and then where it hits the Earth's surface.

So while one UV reading is useless if we can take the way in which each UV reading goes up in accordance with the nearest UV reading going up and connect them all to make it look like a topography map then you can start to see an elevations of UV an elevation of intensity and time in which the light beam hits Earth.

Does that make sense or should I just make a YouTube video and go balls to the wall crazy Tony Stark.

I mean I already turned my volleyball into a prop and my dad calls it Wilson with a headband. I think it's better to say things and let people hear them than to keep them all bottled up inside because you know what you really have to be here to experience this and there really isn't a logical explanation why my digital camera can pick up the Northern Lights from this location I mean I looked at the KP level right now, oh and that's the other thing I don't even know where to find all the information I need it's taking me hours just to figure out how to find information once I get all of that down pat and it's process becomes quicker as I got more organized the data will speak for itself.

I just have to keep watching and wait and see if another event like the one on the 15th or even the one on the 19th I don't even know what happened the last 5 days because none of these really focus on every little thing they only focus on the big ohhhhhh....

And the whole universal time in Eastern standard Time is like the worst conversion ever because of the date I mean it's like if it's 2:23 here what day is it in UK like and what time does that change and no matter how many times I still it takes me 20 minutes every time and then I never know if I'm right so it just makes everything difficult.

Just keep studying but I definitely notice a difference here when there is solar weather and I am a true believer. Energy level 2 like if you get exposed to a bunch of electrons I mean does that explain why you have to go to sleep or you just feel really tired or if perhaps you just been around some really exotic matter that gives you crazy ideas, lol. But no matter what I discover, hunting for treasure is always fun.

Knowledge is the new gold!

I am a space pirate, look a shark!!!spacer.png

Do you see the shark head? Looks like jabba jaws!

2 hours ago, Archmonoth said:

CMEs can take hours and days for material to brush against US, the light travels a direct path, beams and CME are 2 different things. 

The flare on the 15th was massive and if it hit Earth through the sun than it would leave a resident imprint of what it went "through" to get here. We may have gotten lucky enough to see it in the shape of intensity of initial impact. To figure out initial impact I would say it's the first UV spikes at all the stations however since it comes in waves it would be really hard to determine which "energy burst" hits us... BIT IF WE CAN FINGER PRINT each coronal mass ejection and filent eruptions we can then use those mathematic unique signature s to read them at ground level in terms of UV and dew point temp separation.

The time in between northern winds flaring up could be like  how noaa measures and predicts sea wave heights (wouldn't it be amazing if the wave height and density and speed directly correlated with waves once it hit the ocean? Find out where point of contact is and then compute the wave lengths as how they pertain to earth weather systems. Of course it is complicated but it could be done all they need to do is figure out the best way to calculate the impact and give each flare its own fingerprint of unique formula measurements


I also fixed the layout on my data findings at my blogs. Now you can see the data hunt and how coincidentally accurate it could be.

Also if there is no initial shockwave impact patter, then perhaps the geomagnetivith of the physical features of the surface act as conductors in these areas prone to getting the. Runt of Earth weather and electrical disturbance from pace weather...

The shapes I could be seeing could be from.quickly evaporated water as many of the grounds lakes and rivers and finger lakes and coastlines do also resemble the striking similarity of the sun's surface  https://transdimensional.wordpress.com/2022/02/22/farside-sun-explosions-do-reach-earth-and-here-is-how-we-can-tell-2/

I fixed all the blogs so you can see the pictures.

Right now the wind keeps bouncing in intervals and even though the sun has set. All the weather forcastersbsaid lots of snow and sleet to ight for this area.

If my theory holds any water than most of the clouds will dissapate around here and there will be very little snow and most of the system will be forced away in the same pattern of lack of clouds less weather seen throughout today.


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1 hour ago, FairyG said:

Or just live in one of these spots!!!!!  Direct observational data.

Data doesn't mean your guesswork about the data is correct. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

Nobody found this because nobody is looking!!!! Even today the sun has been getting brighter in accordance to UV readings while cloud cover he changed. 

I don't mean to sound condescending, but the Sun is brighter as the angle of the Earth changes throughout the day. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

The snow melted in what two days. 4 feet of snow in 2 days that had compounded into I've and even when temps are going down the snow melts at night but freezes on the top??? Thateama it's melting from the earth so the earth absorbed intense amounts of energy and I've been here my whole life and this is like it takes weeks months for this to happen and it's a slow thing to have it happened so fast and then when you look at the patterns of the water vapor on the day when I have to look at the notes....

Seriously, there is so much to learn about weather/meteorology and how high/low pressure systems interact. 

Climate change predicts more extremes and variation of previous patterns, UNRELATED to Solar activity. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

I think it was compounded the 12th the 14th and the 15th by the time the 15th came around it left an imprint cuz it hit the earth and then it just evaporated a lot of water and that water just went right into the air in the shape of the water below it.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Do you mean the thermal exchange in water vapor/moisture? What do you mean by the "shape of water"? 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

And like you said I went to the wrong conclusion I thought maybe this was a recurring pattern that has been driving the coastline shapes and that a crazy major solar event could actually carve out a huge chunk of our coastline very quickly maybe even in one day but then that would be a catastrophic world event I was thinking so I kept looking.

Why do you think the coastline would be carved out from current solar activity? 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

And the patterns on the face of the sun and the patterns in the way the snow melts on a small scale here I bet if I got up in a helicopter and looked at a patch a field that hasn't been walked on it would have the pattern it's it's a sun surface pattern not the popcorn looking one but the one we see on GOES

You are guessing there is an echo/reflection. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

If there is a magician and he says look over here look over here this is what's causing it everybody's going to look over there and stop looking for other reasons but when you don't know any of that and you just look at the facts it seems so obvious because I'm an artist.

You are assuming intent to describe your guesswork. Who is the magician? 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

When I say patterns it's like how nature creates itself with patterns with repetition and a formula and so the Sun and the Earth are mathematically bound so whatever happens on one influences the other once you figure out the key pieces you can use one to predict the other.

Again, different systems have different rules. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

And all we think about is how the Sun affects our surface but we have now created magnetic fields within our magnetic fields and we don't even understand how the molecules of the different atmospheres when they're electrically charged might be sending a pulse back to the Sun amplified and aggravating it even more!!!

The distance to the Sun would prevent any electrical charge from the Earth reaching the Sun. The source and intensity have a limit to distance. Inverse-square law - Wikipedia



Energy can only travel so far, and then it losses flux and intensity. The Sun is 149 million Kilometers (93 million miles) away. 

How far do you think an electrical charge could travel from the Earth? 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

... such as lockdowns did in 2021 the people of this planet might actually be able to start preventing an apocalyptic Sun event and just because it might not happen in our lifetimes or our grandchildren's lifetimes if we don't start even thinking about it then we're just not living up to the full potential of our species.

Again, you are suggesting the Sun is responsible for our problems, when climate change, greed, oppression etc., are HUMAN causes. Why avoid the obvious for the fantasy? 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

Yes Earth weather conditions can explain it but when it happens on a global scale at the same time in coordinates with an explosion on the Sun it has to be mathematically solved.

We measure all sorts of flux and high energy protons and such already, what isn't being measured? Math isn't some magical relationship. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

So if you have a waveform it goes up and down up and down and hits wherever it hits and it's a beam so it's going to keep hitting it but that is rotating and as it's rotating that beam is bouncing off at refracted angles and you have all of these beams of compounded events blasting our magnetic protection, interfering with our magnetic communication systems and interfering with our electronics so vice versa all of our electronics in communication systems have an inverse proportional effect on whatever causes the disruption which is the Sun.

We have insulation for electrical systems, and humans have insulation in our brains from being affected. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

If you take a magnifying glass and put it outside in the sun you can start a fire so who is to say through disabling our magnetic protection the magnetosphere by accident by creating our own magnetic fields within the atmosphere we haven't somehow created a bridge that allows pieces of the Sun through?

Wildfires happen during seasonally DRY times, regardless of the Sun's activity. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

This would have never happened in all of history of Earth because there were no humans to mess things up with their technology to make this happen so we wouldn't find this geologically because this would be a first time event.

Wildfires and such have happened in the past, and like I said in earlier threads, there are times in Earth's history when our ozone was weaker, and UV was 10x what it is now. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

But everybody is like why are you telling me why do I care because everybody just wants to be in the now and worry about today but if this could be a warning system then the earthquake warning system that gives Israel like 30 seconds could be blown out of the water with something that could be invented with this mathematical equation.

This paragraph makes you sound like a lunatic. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

It would probably take me six and a half months of learning all the math and physics but I know was super computer could do it in seconds so I just have to get all of my thoughts together and all of the data together because if we can recognize the pattern in which the sun's energy beats the Earth then we know where it's going to be most vulnerable and we can even pinpoint when seismic events tornadoes and hurricanes are going to happen. 

Seismic events are unrelated to solar activity. 

1 hour ago, FairyG said:

Just keep studying but I definitely notice a difference here when there is solar weather and I am a true believer.

True believer in what exactly? 


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50 minutes ago, Archmonoth said:

The distance to the Sun would prevent any electrical charge from the Earth reaching the Sun. The source and intensity have a limit to distance. Inverse-square law - Wikipedia

So many valid points.

Look at today's weather system over my house my blue dot. Four days I'm a row if skipped this area.

Why this area is electrically charged or resilient heat or in the path of a streaming beam of the CME is unclear but SOMETHING is driving the snow to melt fast, UV readings to fluctuate resembling the waves measured on GOES and also the patterns of the melted snow, sun's surface, clouds and lack of looked at ... All have similar pattern shape.

The clouds were the shapes of the bodies of water under them and traveled in those shapes only for a bit but long enough to indicate something very quickly heated that area to send it's shape into the atmosphere perfectly all across the globe at the same time or relatively the same time as the sun side facing.i wi look up the images I have and put a blog together.

Just for today though... It should already be raining it should be moving like all other weather systems that come through but yesterday's and today's is avoiding this patterned area. This happens at other "sweetspot" stations too so it's something they all have in common with the spikes!




See it doesn't mean anything if it was just for a day,but the chances of it keep happening for a week? It's not definate proof of MY THEORY but if the sun's beam has a length it would eventually end it's steady stream. The earth should stop this beam as it rotates out of the sun's direct vie, however it could be that once the area is "charged it would take a lot of effort using Earth's weather system's to overcome this "spaceweather riddled" "sweetspot".


Yes I make a lot of assumptions and that is excellent if they work with Earth's current weather knowledge. Yet weathermen are wrong sometimes. Model predictions are wrong sometimes.

I figured out a factor that nobody is saying is involved.

I can't even find a popular heliophysicist that is studying far side impacts hitting Earth traveling through and out of the sun. It is still to think the direction of the plasma visually is the only part and only direction of goes. Especially with the miniscule amount of data and locations monitored in actual space.

Magnets and lenses.

Water can refract light. Glass can magnify light. Communication systems use the ionosphere to "travel" and amplification of magnetic fields is absolutely a possibility as a bi product of creating intersecting grids. A transducer effect could easily occur in our magnetosphere and repel the sun's own energy at it. Even worse our slow moving magnetic resonance could be altered by something in space that amplifies it or changes it's speed and direction.

Heck those probes they are putting near the sun could act like lightning rods for a reflected sun beam. Our magnetosphere pushes everything mostly behind us and that is what is observed with our instruments. Yet you are clever to dismiss the idea we are resonating back magnetic fields.

I was thinking in terms of a microphone giving feedback when it gets too close to the amp. A sheer bad luck of timing and placement of unwanted, unexpected energy surged at our planet and just like a microphone too close to a speaker, the Earth gives "feedback" to the sun. It creates it using our communications grids ... The new ones that operate on the same frequencies world wide knitting singularities into a giant webbed quilt of magnetic resonance sent as feed back and I bet a feed back loop could even exist.

That's the best way I can explain it but far far far from having any proof

This whole field is extremely unknown still and yeah we can just say oh there's a low pressure system it's going to rain.

Or maybe the discharge beam 'plasma' presses down so hard it changes the atmospheric pressure while it's hitting and then when the beam jumps or passes, the pressure releases giving us a low pressure system craving moisture because the sun scorched it.



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