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What is the highest number sunspots you have seen?


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17 uren geleden, Orneno zei:

Make that 12 ARs a couple hours ago!

If that's higher than since the very peak of the last solar cycle, that seems to bode really well for this cycle's overall strength, since we're not even that close to Solar Maximum.  Is that true @Vancanneyt Sander, or is it not indicative of overall strength like that?

The maximum daily SSN of the 24th cycle was 296 on April 14th 2014. It had 11 active regions on the visible solar disk, but in terms of number of spots it’s still more than today’s SSN.

But if the max number of regions now is more than the previous cycle, it might be. I could make a difficult query to find that out but if it’s worth it, I don’t know. The SSN still is more important to that because it also takes the number of spots into account.

But apart from that, it’s clear currents monthly mean is higher then the predicted value of the predicted SC25. Both predictions methods (standard and combined) based on previous months where already higher then the predictions and this month confirms it again. But still, it can mean two things: early peak, but still as high as predicted; or indeed a higher than predicted SC. Either way, this cycle once again proves that there is no reliable way in predicting an SC.

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40 minutes ago, LunarLights58 said:

2014 was crazy. It was the first solar maximum that SDO saw, and there were some ridiculous sunspots

2000 was crazy.. I was looking back in the archive and there was a day in 2000 with 401 FREAKING SUNSPOTS. LIKE WTF. Here I thought 300 sunspots were impossible on the sun... 

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