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  1. We have been analyzing solar cycles for a few decades now. We are here to discuss a few new details. this will include a little bit of solar cycle, grand solar cycle, time cycle and a little more to all of them. this is believed that we have a 11 years long solar cycle. Ideally, it has 10.2 years time +/- imbalance. these are the timelines when we have one of the most active Sun and least active Sun too at a difference of 5 years approx. the time of solar maxima or the actual minima is not known to science as there is not established theory on this topic. The scientists have been trying their hands proving the same since 1971, but no success so far. Here, are a few points, where you may connect the dots. there is a formation of boundaries within and out of the solar system. these boundaries are formed everywhere in the universe, between two hot or two cold layers of formation. planets have their on trajectories and so the Sun, galactic center and BIG SUN (mother star to all galaxies). We haven't been able to venture in galactic and outer galactic space so far and hence, we don't have any idea of outer space. but..... but you can calculate it. The actual solar cycle has only 20.4 years time, where you get 2 solar minima & 2 solar maxima, one after the other. the actual time of sun activity may not be divided inti exact half, as the celestial movements and gravity of the solar masses may effect the production of solar flares. but, if you notice, the solar maxima or minima, if cant be calculated by dividing the full solar cycle by 2 (for one scientific solar cycle) or 4 (for half of the scientific solar cycle), then it can shift to either side only by 3-6 months time. more deviation is not possible. Means almost every 9th or 11th year you will see a maxima and same is applied to a solar minima too. this all depends on the boundaries created by the pair of planets in the solar system. what is important to know that these 2 solar minimas in one solar cycle of 20.4 years time, will not have the same intensity. One of them is going to be a major Minima & another one will be a Minor minima. same applies to maxima also. A grand solar cycle (shouldn't be know as "solar cycle") has a life of 170.666 years +/- imbalance. this Grand solar cycle (which is related to the solar system, not Sun only) will have 2 grand solar minima & 2 grand solar maxima. this also means that during the half of a grand solar cycle, you will have one maxima between two grand solar minima. Means, every 42 years after a grand minima, there will be a temperature rise globally and maxima will arrive. then 42 years after a maxima, there will be a temperature drop globally. measuring it is also not easy. this temperature difference will be noticed only in the upper atmospheric layers to lower atmospheric layers only. On the contrary, when atmospheric temperature is going down towards a grand solar minima, the surface temperature on earth will increase towards a minima due to the difference in gravity created during a minima. But if you consider any global report of solar fluctuations, temperature rise and drop or the pandemic, they will show you a cycle of 170.666 years approx. in 2 half parts of the total cycle. For our solar system, Earth, Jupiter, mars etc are considered to be the planets for its mother star SUN. if we assume that there are just the baby stars and mother stars in this universe, then...... Moon has its mother star as earth. Planets have their mother star as Sun & Sun will have its mother star as galactic center. though the last one is not true. For a galactic center the baby star is always a solar system with a celestial boundary (heliosphere). Sun is never accounted from the outer space and there is a possibility that if a life will look at the solar system from the galactic space, they might look at the bright heliosphere, not the planets inside. As we have a grand solar cycle of 170.666 years, this is created by the outermost boundary of the solar system, which gravitationally may effect the uniformity of our solar system. this will further be accounted as the one complete spin of the galactic center. This is another unknown fact that our solar system completes one orbit around the galactic center in a time equivalent to the 54 spins of the galactic center and this is how a Super Grand solar cycle can be calculated to the 6.75 x 170.666 =1152 Solar System Years (not earth Years). what does it all mean? this means that " in a solar cycle of 10.2 years approx, you will have a minima and maxima and total solar cycle of one major and one minor minima will have 20.4 years time". "In a Grand solar cycle of 85.333 years approx, you will have a grand minima and a grand maxima and total grand solar cycle of one major and one minor grand minima will have 170.666 years time." " in a Super grand solar cycle of 1152 Solar years (Not Earth Years) approx, you will have a Super minima and Super maxima" Like we have a solar energy penetration pattern here changing twice in 170 years time, similarly, the group of these grand solar cycle will also have a maxima & minima once in 1152 solar system's years. That peak or the Super Grand minima will be known as the transition period for humanity. above abstract has been given based on purely mathematical calculations of "Theory of Everything". hence, chances of failure are none. 1152 solar system's years can be taken as 2300 earth years for current period and 3400 years after Year 2340. All of them have been calculated based on the time dilation (not based on Einstein's formulation, so these are accurate)applicable to solar and galactic space . This is important to know, why we have discussed these many details, for which modern science has no understanding so far. Here is the answer, This solar cycle is one of the peak close to the grand solar cycle, started in 1970. this decade is going to be the worst, but much better than coming grand solar minimas. next one is after 85 years, but going to be a minor grand solar minima, then again a major one (much stronger than now) & so on. There is a science working behind it. Everything coming to Earth, SOlar Syatem & galactic space can be calculated, but a better idea is to prepare in advance. We are in year 2023 & we are heading towards the Peak of this Super Grand SOlar Minima (Year 2023). Every coming grand solar minima, will break all the previous records of almost everything. This time may change the future of mankind. Or the Mankind will change the future of galaxy by fighting against the TIME. We believe that the mankind on Earth is meant to be the best in our Galaxy for a few logical reasons. I hope, we wont let down the name of "Humankind". Calculations are long, but i would love to have your words on this. suggestions, reviews and questions invited. I'll try to answer every logical question. thanking you all for being with us.....
  2. A solar cycle (SC) is typically characterized by a plot of sunspot number as a function of time. This plot usually has a sharp rising phase, followed by leveling inflection towards the peak (or peaks) of solar maximum, followed by a downward inflection and a trailing declining phase. The overall shape is not symmetric and is most often characterized by a positiveness skewness. The exact shape of each SC plot varies, some tall and narrow, others short and wide, faster or slower rise times, higher or lower maxima, longer or shorter declining phases, etc. Several probability density functions (PDFs) provide adjustable parameters that can provide a good curve fit and model the characteristics of the SC plot described above. (Note that in this exercise there is no probability that's being a modeled - it is simply that the formula that describes the PDF happens to provide a good curve fit to observed data with appropriate parameter values.) The Weibull probability density function is relatively simple, typically defined by 2 parameters: shape and scale. https://statisticsbyjim.com/probability/weibull-distribution/ With some iteration, it is possible to converge on values for these 2 parameters for a Weibull distribution that provide a pretty good match to historical SC plots, shown here for SC20-SC24: https://ibb.co/7jdhb1f
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