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Amount of energy released in a solar flare

Guest Nitin

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Guest Nitin

The amount of energy released in large solar flares are in order of 10^32 ergs is formidable even compared

to the total magnetic energy content of substantial coronal volumes.There are two estimation from where so large amount energy is coming- either that the stored free energy of most of an entire active region is liberated or that the magnetic

free energy is continuously replenished from the photosphere during the flare

.But is there any confirm reason from where the flares getting so much of energy? 

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The amount of energy released during solar flares is indeed formidable, nearly impossible to get your head around as to how much energy they produce. As far as I am aware there are no solid reasons known yet as to how flares release such immense amount of energy. We know it has to do with magnetic reconnection but details as to exactly how and what drives these forces are yet to be discovered. You could say it is one of the large questions in the solar research field that has yet to be answered.

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