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Cool Aurora Time-Lapse

Go to solution Solved by Sam Warfel,

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25 minutes ago, Drax Spacex said:

Nice!  Many photos of this event also have a red color.  I wonder why there is no red color seen in this timelapse?  Is it because it's looking straight up, and the red color is seen better from a distance from a more oblique viewpoint?  IDK.

I saw some gorgeous blood-red aurora footage looking straight up, into a spectacular corona, from Scandinavia and from Alaska, so it might be something else…

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Best aurora I've ever seen was from Southern Nevada (!).  The northern 1/3 of the sky was filled with regions of pale white that slowly changed shape and it was punctuated by thin bright rays of blood red that appeared to emanate from a single point beyond the northern horizon, stabbing up into the sky. Very "Hollywood" looking. Hah. Amazing. There were no other colors, just white and red.

The blood red is from ionized oxygen.

This was around 1991, I think. I once dove into the records once a while back and narrowed it down to two possible storms. There were some huge magnetic storms around that time, some reaching Kp 11.

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