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Sunspot region 2978

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According to spaceweather.com they seem to have seen a potentially significant sunspot group. It is an active region according to them and it's right here: righthere.jpg

Honestly it could be something big or a dud. I don't know, because from the last time something like this happened, it was a dud 🤣. So I guess we just wait and see. 🤷‍♂️


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It looks like a fairly large area on Stereo Ahead, but it is not clear to me if it is anything more than faculae at present (I cannot see any loops on the image). The leading edge should probably arrive on the limb later tomorrow, so not too long to wait.....


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Indeed looks like something interesting might be hiding just behind the limb based on the brightness. However do keep in mind it can be a large region with faculae, there might be no spots! 

3 uren geleden, Jennifer Closen zei:

I'm hoping it's something big, because my birthday is coming up soon. A nice Aurora would make for a good birthday present, even if belated.

Welcome! Lets hope so!

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5 hours ago, 3gMike said:

Parece un área bastante grande en Stereo Ahead, pero no me queda claro si es algo más que fáculas en este momento (no puedo ver ningún bucle en la imagen). El borde de ataque probablemente debería llegar a la rama más tarde mañana, así que no hay que esperar demasiado...


I think that what shines is hidden in extremity in the sunspot that exploded on the 21st, the one that increased the protons by the paker spiral on the other side of the sun, so I am interested in seeing what that sunspot will be like, although after that I did not mount any activity more, so I don't think I have much activity

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23 minutes ago, Solarflaretracker200 said:

Something is appearing over the limb. Is this it? image.png.e2b065c639a97138e6c2edf45d3b3413.png

Some people on twitter think it is possibly the return of region AR2960. 

I think that is a different spot because the loops are still over the limb. And the flux is rising largely 

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1 hour ago, farm24 said:

I think that is a different spot because the loops are still over the limb.

Its this one then: 


The orange one? Or am I just all off on this?

1 hour ago, Orneno said:

This is the big bright one on STEREO A, I don’t think it’s the seismological one

Oh makes sense. 

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No guys It was the one. Because spaceweather.com said this 


A NEW SUNSPOT EMERGES: As predicted by helioseismic echoes, a new sunspot is emerging from behind the sun's southeastern limb. The approaching spot is about twice as wide as Earth and could be the leading member of a larger group still hidden behind the limb.


Which is kinda surprising but here it is:



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This region has been active for an Alpha! Dang!

Region 2978

Number of
Size  Class Magn.  Class Spot  Location
1 180 HSX S15E69
2978 - HMIIF
2978 - HMIBC

Flare probabilities

C M X Proton
60% 15% 1% 1%

Solar flares from today

C4.1 C2.0 C2.1 C1.5
On 3/26/2022 at 3:07 PM, Jennifer Closen said:

I'm hoping it's something big, because my birthday is coming up soon. A nice Aurora would make for a good birthday present, even if belated.

Well you may be in luck. AR2975 has done a M4 flare (Moderate flare) that may have done a full hale CME towards earth. But we have to wait for the info first. There is a good chance that it has. People on twitter are saying it could have launched a full hale CME and others say no. I guess we just wait and see for the news to pop up. 

There is radio emission. It probably will be a CME

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