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Dark Cold Years are Coming...


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Well, given a lack of in-line citations, and that the author on that website posts from the lens of some political disposition and thus is awfully biased in the "global warming" debate(click their pseudonym on the website and see their othee blogs), I would call this about as serious as any climate change denial.

It seems to be offloading our collective responsibility onto a vague hypothesis about the sun and these "2000 year cycles" which I'm only just hearing about for the first time. That's useless behavior for one thing; there is obviously a reason to be concerned about the climate that goes beyond "we feel guilty and thus have to fix what we have broken" - measurable departures from trends, temperature anomaly, records broken at higher frequency.

In other words, this seems like an article which supplements one or two of his other articles on politicians and the "Green Deal", rather than a revelation towards solar phenomena. He also uses Dr. Zharkova as the basis for all of its information, which should tell you all of what you need to know - anti-green propaganda.

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