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Geomagnetic Storm June 28 2024


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9 minuten geleden, sismo2001 zei:

Buenas noches, tengo aproximadamente 50 enlaces inalámbricos y a las 7:15pm hora de Venezuela fueron afectados disminuyendo un 75% de su capacidad de transmisión y recepción de datos, conocen algun caso parecido al mio? es que en 4 años no me habia sucedido a pesar de las demas tormentas. Gracias

Welcome sismo2001. Please remember that this is an English speaking forum. Thanks!

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51 minutes ago, sismo2001 said:

Buenas noches, tengo aproximadamente 50 enlaces inalámbricos y a las 7:15pm hora de Venezuela fueron afectados disminuyendo un 75% de su capacidad de transmisión y recepción de datos, conocen algun caso parecido al mio? es que en 4 años no me habia sucedido a pesar de las demas tormentas. Gracias

Almost 4 hours ago, not much space weather-wise seemed to be happening.

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18 hours ago, Mara said:

Did anyone notice that since January last year we get disproportionately large geomagnetic storms from only minor to moderate solarstorms? Could the weakening magnetic field of the earth have anything to do with it?

The strength of solar flares won't always correlate to the strength of solar storms. We've had many X flares that failed to produce CME's at all this year. There are quite a few factors that determine this.

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8 hours ago, Parabolic said:
On 6/28/2024 at 6:12 PM, Mara said:

Did anyone notice that since January last year we get disproportionately large geomagnetic storms from only minor to moderate solarstorms? Could the weakening magnetic field of the earth have anything to do with it?


We have also had underperformers relative to NOAA and other projections as well. 


What happened in May was 7 cmes canabalizing eachother on their way to earth. The spike yesterday has several reasonable causes (prolonged southward bz prior to impact, possible filament hitting more on the nose rather than glancing blow, etc. etc.). And the spike was very shortlived, showing how robust the earth's magnetic field was in rebounding. 


I encourage ya to look at the old magnetic fields threads. The reality is much different than whatever is being presented on tik tok and twitter and youtube

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