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Geomagnetic Storm June 28 2024


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8 minutes ago, SpaceR said:

So does anyone know if it was a filament or a CME or a combination of both?

Once filaments are released from the Sun, they are CMEs. Not two different things that can impact us.

A CME probably didn't have anything to do with this though. The low velocity shock arrival may have just been the arrival of a dense SIR/CIR when we were already in a CIR resulting in a strong IMF shock.

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5 minutes ago, Jesterface23 said:

Once filaments are released from the Sun, they are CMEs. Not two different things that can impact us.

A CME probably didn't have anything to do with this though. The low velocity shock arrival may have just been the arrival of a dense SIR/CIR when we were already in a CIR resulting in a strong IMF shock.

3719 eruption is coming soon and it s HUGE ! 

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48 minutes ago, Jesterface23 said:

Una vez que los filamentos se liberan del Sol, se convierten en eyecciones de masa coronal (CME) . No son dos cosas diferentes que pueden impactarnos.

Sin embargo, una CME probablemente no tuvo nada que ver con esto. La llegada del shock de baja velocidad puede haber sido simplemente la llegada de un SIR / CIR denso cuando ya estábamos en un CIR que resultó en un fuerte shock del FMI .

Halo cme, he put this video on his twitter, so not only is a cme coming?, or it seems like one already came

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18 minutes ago, MinYoongi said:


I agree. Why even speculate without anything to back up a statement.

It's like everything has to be hyped to the point of insanity. When the prediction is wrong everyone is laughing and when it's right (kek) we all have to have our nose rubbed in it.

Wildly off topic but as a silent spectator I can see how this continues to get people's backs up..

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34 minutes ago, Isatsuki San said:

Halo cme, he put this video on his twitter, so not only is a cme coming?, or it seems like one already came

Currently the solar wind velocities are way to high for any other CME arrival today at this point.

The problem with this being a CME is the velocities with the shock arrival. The velocity jump from ~360km/s to ~500km/s isn't something CMEs can do. Add on the low temperatures with the SIR shock arrival and is a clear sign of two CIRs interacting causing the IMF shock. I don't see any clear sign of a CME now that we have all this data.

We might have fully switched over to the CH HSS now as well. An IMF total strength of 10nT might just be the current baseline as it was prior to the SIR arrival.


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34 minutes ago, MinYoongi said:


I am weary of the hype, drama, and sensationalism from that user as well - - they just don’t seem to understand that people on here absolutely detest the fear mongering and drastic dramatic predictions based wholly on nothingness… I hate to do it but it seems blocking them is the only way to get rid of the nonsense 

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Did anyone notice that since January last year we get disproportionately large geomagnetic storms from only minor to moderate solarstorms? Could the weakening magnetic field of the earth have anything to do with it?

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Buenas noches, tengo aproximadamente 50 enlaces inalámbricos y a las 7:15pm hora de Venezuela fueron afectados disminuyendo un 75% de su capacidad de transmisión y recepción de datos, conocen algun caso parecido al mio? es que en 4 años no me habia sucedido a pesar de las demas tormentas. Gracias

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