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AR 3712


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39 minutes ago, Sagatha said:

Bit of action going on 


Pretty cool having so many flares at once. Can see the long duration flare coming from this region though.

It's popping off like the 4th of July! Pretty 🙂

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6 minutes ago, hamateur 1953 said:

If it’s earth directed ( very unlikely). We may still see something. I would expect to see some low-level protons soon, however.  

I don’t know how this could be earth directed.

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4 minutes ago, hamateur 1953 said:

If it’s earth directed ( very unlikely). We may still see something. I would expect to see some low-level protons soon, however.  

Lmsal  Supra Arcade Downflow Event


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44 minutes ago, Sunlive123 said:

Earth way ( parker spiral maybe)  ! very strong ! Last week i wrote 3712 was very powerful and some people laughed at me …

Sunrise is unbelievable ! 



Nice imagery. But you should really let the „people laughed at me“ stuff go. It creates an unnecessary „me vs. them“ vibe. We all cheer for Spaceweather here.

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22 minutes ago, Sonnenmaster said:

yes but what was its intensity it looks very big

I dont understand your question. It Clearly was an M Class flare. That was its intensity.

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14 minutes ago, Sonnenmaster said:

it looks SOMEWHAT stronger and more violent on lasco than the M9 from AR3664, that must have been an X2-5 CME or not? Sorry im new

CMEs and flares aren't fully related. The A, B, C, M, and X-classes are for solar flares. CMEs can launch from filaments on the sun or commonly from eruptive solar flares.

We go look at coronagraph imagery to see how fast a CME is and this one isn't too fast. Maybe the low-end of moderate speed.

As said in the tweet, there shouldn't be any Earth impacts from this CME.

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18 minutes ago, Sonnenmaster said:

it looks SOMEWHAT stronger and more violent on lasco than the M9 from AR3664, that must have been an X2-5 CME or not? Sorry im new

You can't really tell how strong a flare would be in terms of X-rays just based on CME size/speed/brightness. Sometimes an M5 flare will produce a more impressive CME than an X5 flare.

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1 hour ago, Sonnenmaster said:

it looks SOMEWHAT stronger and more violent on lasco than the M9 from AR3664, that must have been an X2-5 CME or not? Sorry im new

1 hour ago, Jesterface23 said:

CMEs and flares aren't fully related. The A, B, C, M, and X-classes are for solar flares. CMEs can launch from filaments on the sun or commonly from eruptive solar flares.

We go look at coronagraph imagery to see how fast a CME is and this one isn't too fast. Maybe the low-end of moderate speed.

1 hour ago, Aten said:

You can't really tell how strong a flare would be in terms of X-rays just based on CME size/speed/brightness. Sometimes an M5 flare will produce a more impressive CME than an X5 flare.

If anything I'd say these dense and relatively slow CMEs tend to be associated with long-duration flares that are on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of intensity from what I've seen, a bit like filaments.

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2 hours ago, Sonnenmaster said:

it looks SOMEWHAT stronger and more violent on lasco than the M9 from AR3664, that must have been an X2-5 CME or not? Sorry im new

Trust the guys here 🙂 When it comes to flares, prominences, filaments and CME's there's no better community. Even though there's a some good understanding even the scientists don't quite fully understand the processes behind it all. So, sometimes what looks like it could be an X flare to us in reality is actually only a minor flash amongst the myriad activity going on.

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5 hours ago, Sonnenmaster said:

yes but what was its intensity it looks very big

Hi, Nobody has seen before this black ring on cactus (code dark yellow). High probability of Paker spiral.

10 hours after you have still arcade / high corona loops. Amazing but mysterious.  

This morning the speed was crazy like a filament eruption. 

I think nobody know what is happening in this area. You have max 5 publishing about supra arcade downflows ( montana state 2000 and delaware 2013 for exemple) and this one.


On the other hand, due to line-of-sight confusion in the optically thin corona, the ribbon enhancement following the interaction produces an illusion of plasma rebound at the top of the arcade, where the interaction fails to yield significant plasma heating. These effects indicate that the interaction mainly generates MHD waves propagating toward the surface, which may further produce quasi-periodic brightening at flare ribbons, therefore contributing to gradual phase emission from quasi-periodic EUV emission observed during the gradual phase of flares.




CME.jpeg    speed.png.ea7e20f8109c3d37396d3fe820b5961c.png240624.thumb.jpg.8c7484b723032bb7921bfd16591f3897.jpg

Edited by Sunlive123
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