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May 2024 Geomagnetic Storms from AR 13664 (2)

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24 minutes ago, MinYoongi said:


maybe this helps you evaluate 

According to Polish information sources, the shock at 9UTC was probably the X1.1 impact and the arrival of x5.8 is expected to occur within 12 hours. There are as many forecasts as there are people, but we can only be optimistic

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1 minute ago, Adrian Kobyłecki said:

According to Polish information sources, the shock at 9UTC was probably the X1.1 impact and the arrival of x5.8 is expected to occur within 12 hours. There are as many forecasts as there are people, but we can only be optimistic

what exactly are "polish information sources" ? 

1 minute ago, Adrian Kobyłecki said:

 There are as many forecasts as there are people

very well said 😁

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im still wondering what will arrive and if something will arrive. protons rising are a good sign i think? but if i read the data right, they expected the field to be more disturbed from the previous impact which did not pan out. (i dont know if this is 100% correct)

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I think SWPC mentioned up to 1800km/s solar wind speed. Isn't that insanely high? I'm new to this so I'm not aware of how much wind speed matters with geomagnetic storming.

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2 minuten geleden, Tyman zei:

I think SWPC mentioned up to 1800km/s solar wind speed. Isn't that insanely high? I'm new to this so I'm not aware of how much wind speed matters with geomagnetic storming.

Yes but I do not see that happening. We had an impact around 9 UTC this morning but it was very weak. I doubt there would be a major impact from whatever CME that has yet to arrive to cause such speeds and/or really strong geomagnetic storming. We shall see.

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I really hope that something nice is going to arrive since it's predicted to be a crystal clear night here in Czechia. Although no Aurora will ever beat the one from Friday/Saturday.

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4 minutes ago, Marcel de Bont said:

Yes but I do not see that happening. We had an impact around 9 UTC this morning but it was very weak. I doubt there would be a major impact from whatever CME that has yet to arrive to cause such speeds and/or really strong geomagnetic storming. We shall see.

Your opinion is shared by many experts on twitter as far as i could see. Noaa also adjusted their forecast for a less strong impact (still G4+ watch, i will attach a picture). Protons are on the rise so something is coming i think, but i dont know how severe it really will be. So they seem  have shifted the arrival time i guess. ec6aadb3edc6e2d2e10876d57acec64d.png

also, because of the 1800km/s @Tyman , i had the same question. It means 1800kms on launch with the enlil showing 1200kms on arrival. asked a forecaster from nasa to be sure. 😎

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Friday night was a truly surreal experience. The aurora lasted the entire night, and I watched the main arc move from the north and get closer and closer, with a lot of green at the bottom that actually looked like a bright white glow to the eye. The show peaked around 0:30 CEST when suddenly a second arc appeared TO THE SOUTH of my location, and the entire sky was filled with colors, with a few pillars right overhead.

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4 minutes ago, Jesterface23 said:

The shock arrival a few hours ago may have just been a HSS arrival rather than a CME. We'll find out eventually I guess.

That's what I was wondering as well

16 minutes ago, Tyman said:

I think SWPC mentioned up to 1800km/s solar wind speed. Isn't that insanely high? I'm new to this so I'm not aware of how much wind speed matters with geomagnetic storming.

SWPC said the CME launch speed is 1800km/s not solar wind speed

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The CME arrival back on 2017/09/06 had a travel time of 34 hours and velocities of a little over 800km/s. If final CME #7 arrived, the travel time would have been under 32 hours with arrival velocities around 900km/s due to arriving within such high solar with velocities. The velocities could go up further.

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2 minutes ago, Jesterface23 said:

The CME arrival back on 2017/09/06 had a travel time of 34 hours and velocities of a little over 800km/s. If final CME #7 arrived, the travel time would have been under 32 hours with arrival velocities around 900km/s due to arriving within such high solar with velocities. The velocities could go up further.

So CME#7 did not arrive? 
you may be onto something though, Noaa Enlil showed 12UTC arrival with 1200kms but its 2h late by now. i dont know how fast it will be upon arrival then.

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2 minutes ago, MinYoongi said:

So CME#7 did not arrive? 
you may be onto something though, Noaa Enlil showed 12UTC arrival with 1200kms but its 2h late by now. i dont know how fast it will be upon arrival then.

At this point, the only two options CME #7 arrived or we are in a HSS after one of the other CMEs. All we can do is wait and see if there is another shock arrival coming.

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