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Terminator reached. Significant X-flare possible.

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I have not read your entire paper I don't have time for that but this was an impulsive X1 solar flare. You state that you expect a X10 or higher solar flare before the end of this year. If that will happen I will congratulate you on your prediction as that is a very bold statement. I'd love for that to occur of course but the odds are very much against you. You can shout I nailed it all day if we see such a solar flare this year. :D 


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Yeah... but first let's wait for your superflare.
"a possible superflare event in excess of >X100 (!) could happen in June-July  2021" [1]
Paper still not withdrawn.

PS: I have patrick on my ignore list, but somehow i still see the articles.
Edit: Nevermind, I had to specifically enable "block posts"

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Hace 3 horas, Patrick Geryl dijo:

El año pasado publiqué un artículo que decía que Terminator se alcanzaría alrededor del 04-06 2021. También es posible un destello X significativo entre junio-diciembre 2021



Creo que lo logré.

well well, we'll see if that happens,

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4 hours ago, Patrick Geryl said:

Last year I published an article that the Terminator would  be reached around 04-06 2021. Also a significant X-flare is possible between June-December 2021



Think I nailed it.

Patrick, I admire your enthusiasm, and your dedication to your theory, but it is difficult to agree that you have nailed it.

As I understand it, the accepted definition for the Terminator is when we see no more low latitude Cycle 24 spots. On that basis the terminator is long past - in July 2020

You also predicted an X10 (or greater) flare between June and December 2021. We have to wait to see about that one, but you cannot reasonably claim the X1.5 from yesterday as proof of your theory.

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6 hours ago, Patrick Geryl said:

Last year I published an article that the Terminator would  be reached around 04-06 2021. Also a significant X-flare is possible between June-December 2021



Think I nailed it.


What does a significant X-flare mean? How are they different than regular X-flares? The other replies suggest X-10 or greater.


What is your certainty/credence for the terminator? 30%? 65%? How certain are you about the Terminator? 


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3 uren geleden, helios zei:

Yeah... but first let's wait for your superflare.
"a possible superflare event in excess of >X100 (!) could happen in June-July  2021" [1]
Paper still not withdrawn.

PS: I have patrick on my ignore list, but somehow i still see the articles.
Edit: Nevermind, I had to specifically enable "block posts"

Made it private. My first theory about the start of Solar Cycle 25 was also wrong (when I found out, I made it private). Then I found the faults and the corrected paper was published in Astrophysics and Space Science:


I will be racking my brain for the faults... Will be back (from the movie the Terminator)

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57 minutes ago, Patrick Geryl said:

Lo hizo privado. Mi primera teoría sobre el inicio del ciclo solar 25 también estaba equivocada (cuando me enteré, la hice privada). Luego encontré las fallas y el artículo corregido se publicó en Astrophysics and Space Science:


Estaré devanando mi cerebro por las fallas ... Regresaré (de la película Terminator)

So the theory of the super solar flare x100 failed and that will not happen, the super solar flare x100??

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1 uur geleden, abc zei:

So has the terninator been reached ? 

It says so in the title 😉 and it was expected that it already happened a while ago as no SC24 regions where spotted in the last year so it was clear SC24 was already terminated 

1 uur terug, Isatsuki San zei:

So the theory of the super solar flare x100 failed and that will not happen, the super solar flare x100??

It seems obvious it won’t be happening 😉 

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5 hours ago, abc said:

So has the terninator been reached ? 

I also ask this question.  

Solar minimum was said to have occurred around Dec 2019, but this could only be determined retrospectively. 

So does solar minimum and the terminator event mean the same thing?

It would be good to have a definitive answer. :)



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50 minutes ago, Newbie said:

I also ask this question.  

Solar minimum was said to have occurred around Dec 2019, but this could only be determined retrospectively. 

So does solar minimum and the terminator event mean the same thing?

It would be good to have a definitive answer. :)




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Can't get more definite than that. 😃

Pardon my laziness/ignorance. 😝

So I read up a little on it.

Terminator events occur around one year after solar minimum. This is going on the approximately 140 years of scientific observations up until the present.

If everyone agrees when solar minimum took place for SC24 (which I'm sure everyone does agree)! (tongue in cheek)! It shouldn't be too difficult to give a 'ball park' time when the terminator event occurred. 

Some folk consider they've 'nailed it'

Somewhere down the track we'll know the answer.

The sun is predictable in it's unpredictability and can always throw us a curved ball. That's why we all love studying it and talking about it and are on this forum! 

Have a good day everyone :)

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16 hours ago, Marcel de Bont said:

I have not read your entire paper I don't have time for that but this was an impulsive X1 solar flare. You state that you expect a X10 or higher solar flare before the end of this year. If that will happen I will congratulate you on your prediction as that is a very bold statement. I'd love for that to occur of course but the odds are very much against you. You can shout I nailed it all day if we see such a solar flare this year. :D 


I would like to echo your comment and sentiment. 😄 Long time no see, by the way! I trust you've been very busy.

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On 7/4/2021 at 5:36 PM, Patrick Geryl said:

Sorry... no official announcement that the Terminator has been reached! Surely NOT in 2020!

It is a bit more complicated then the definition you say. 

See the list on my paper for possible X flares. Once the Terminator has been reached... >X10 flares are possible within 6 months...


O.K. then, if as you say "it is more complicated than that" what is it that leads you to claim that the terminator has been reached.

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Op 5/7/2021 om 05:23, Christopher S. zei:

I would like to echo your comment and sentiment. 😄 Long time no see, by the way! I trust you've been very busy.

Thanks for your comment. I am not so active on the forums that is correct but I always keep an eye out for significant solar events to cover those if needed. The past few months have been relatively quiet space weather wise so yeah, I have been more in the background. :D 

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On 7/4/2021 at 5:36 PM, Patrick Geryl said:

Sorry... no official announcement that the Terminator has been reached! Surely NOT in 2020!

It is a bit more complicated then the definition you say. 

See the list on my paper for possible X flares. Once the Terminator has been reached... >X10 flares are possible within 6 months...


NCAR certainly predicted a terminator in the first half of 2020, and that seems to be consistent with observations.


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14 hours ago, Patrick Geryl said:

Anybody an idea where the really massive blast on the farside occurred? It for sure was a serious X flare…

Happened on July 15

Couldnt it be an Mflare? A long duration M flare can also produce a magnificent CME

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47 minutes ago, Jesterface23 said:

There are 3 likely possible options. A C-Class, M-Class, or X-Class. We will never know how strong the flare was. Stronger CMEs don't always come from the strongest flares.

That's a very good point, but I kinda think the latest one on 7/15-7/16 might've been X-Class. The CME looked incredibly/worryingly dense... maybe even as dense as the one on 7/23/2012? That's just a guess though since I've never seen the LASCO C2 video/image for that one.
Have there ever been any CMEs that aren't X-Class that were as dense as that third one from 7/15-7/16?

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